Ken Pulskamp came to the City of Santa Clarita in 1988 as its first permanent assistant city manager. In 2002 he succeeded George A. Caravalho
as city manager and served in that capacity until his retirement in 2012.
Video from a series called "Meet Your City Manager," produced in 2012 by the California City Management Foundation.
"These interviews share the viewpoints of city managers on the essence of the profession and why they personally became city managers."
[City of Santa Clarita, 2012] —
Kenneth R. Pulskamp (b. May 12, 1956) is currently the City Manager for the City of Santa Clarita. He has been with the City almost since its inception in 1987 and over the years has served as the Department Head of every City department. He became City Manager in 2002.
The City Manager, in conjunction with the City Council, establishes policies, provides leadership and implements efficient and effective municipal services. The City Manager establishes and maintains appropriate management controls to ensure that all operating departments adhere to all legally mandated policies and regulations. The City Manager also serves as the director of all City personnel, is responsible for the execution of City Council policy, the enforcement of all laws and ordinances, the preparation of the City's annual budget, public information, all city departments and legislative relations.
Ken's leadership for Santa Clarita has led to national recognition for excellence in fiscal management, investment, inovation, economic development, and communications
Ken was awarded the "City Manager Award for the Advancement of Diverse Communities" from the League of California Cities. He was recognized for his support and implementation of effective programs within the workplace and the community that make the City of Santa Clarita a place where diversity is celebrated.
Ken holds a Master of Public Administration degree from the University of San Francisco and has over 30 years of experience in local government administration. He has over 25 years of experience and expertise in the strategic planning process as a facilitator, lecturer, and author.
When he's away from City Hall, Ken enjoys traveling and has journeyed to over 70 foreign countries.