Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

Program Book: 2017 SCV Man & Woman of the Year Recognition Dinner.

Letter from the 2016 Man & Woman of the Year

The Santa Clarita Valley is known as a wonderful place to live, work and play. It is a community where people love to serve and to "give back." Our Valley is often recognized by government leaders from City and County to State and Federal offices as exemplary in strong civic engagement. That civic pride and service is a spirit of volunteerism that has annually shone brightly for one man and one woman since 1964, as "Man and Woman of the Year."

Each year, the Man & Woman of the Year Committee, now a registered nonprofit organization made up of all past honorees, comes together to select those two new leaders from a formidable list of nominees. After this evening, that man and woman will become part of the committee, continuing the important tradition of shining a light on the vital role of service and volunteerism here in the SCV, and honoring those who exemplify the qualities of volunteer leadership.

Our volunteers are the backbone of the community, ensuring strength to the charitable services that make our neighborhoods strong. They help seniors, the homeless and the needy. People who are sick and suffering, and those who are hungry or living with fear, are assisted by our volunteers. Our community has great services for veterans, animal care, educational programs and the arts because of the help of volunteers — selfless people who do whatever it takes to meet the goals of our excellent nonprofit agencies.

It is our privilege to honor all 28 nominees who exemplify the spirit of giving to the community through service. They have been nominated by their charities for their tireless work and dedication. Two will be selected tonight to carry the title of Man and Woman of the Year for 2017, an honor they will proudly hold for a lifetime.

As the 2016 Man and Woman of the Year, we have been honored to serve alongside men and women who earned the title in years past and who continue to mold our valley into the wonderful community we love.

We thank our sponsors and guests and congratulate this year's nominees. Two of them will carry the title, but every one of them is a winner, and every one of the organizations that nominated them should feel proud. We certainly do.

— Lois Bauccio and Jim Lentini

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