SoCal Favorite Son Reginaldo del Valle Nominated for Lieutenant Governor.

Webmaster's note.

Reginaldo Francisco del Valle, whose family owned the area that that is now Newhall, Saugus and Valencia (and more) when he was born here in 1854, was nominated for California Lieutenant Governor by acclamation at the 1890 Democratic State Convention.

Previously, in 1880-1881, Del Valle served in the state Assembly. At the time (from 1849 to 1883), Assembly members were elected from state Senate districts. Del Valle was elected from the Senate district that comprised all of Los Angeles County, which included the present Orange County. (It seceded in 1889).


In 1882, Del Valle was elected to the state Senate. In 1883, he became the youngest person (to this day) ever to serve as Senate President pro tempore.

Reginaldo del Valle wasn't the first Latino to represent the Santa Clarita Valley in the state Legislature — that would have been his father, Ygnacio del Valle, who reportedly served in 1850 — but he is believed to have been its last until 2016 with the election of Dante Acosta, a Republican.

So popular and so respected was Del Valle in Southern California that editorially, the Los Angeles Times treated him with kid gloves. It wrote: "The Times, a Republican paper, takes pleasure in commending Señor Del Valle for his ability, integrity and worth as a gentleman, and will do what it can in a proper way to elect his opponent."

By a fairly narrow margin, The Times got its wish. The Southern California Democrat lost his bid for lieutenant governor to a Northern California Republican, John B. Reddick of Calaveras County, by 50-45.9 percent. Also-rans in the race were the Prohibition Party candidate, A.M. Hough (2.7 percent) and the Know Nothing Party candidate, Ben Morgan (1.3 percent). Know Nothings were nativists who opposed the Catholic church and immigration — especially Irish and German, although in California also Chinese immigration. They started in the 1850s as a secret society whose members were instructed to say "I know nothing" when questioned.

Del Valle's gubernatorial running mate, San Francisco Mayor Edward B. Pond, lost to the Republican, Henry H. Markham.

John Reddick served one term as lieutenant governor, 1891-1895, and died in the latter year at age 51.

Reginaldo del Valle went on to serve for 21 years on L.A.'s Board of Public Service Commissioners at the dawn of the 20th Century, much of that time as board president, effectively making him William Mulholland's boss during the planning and construction of the Los Angeles Aqueduct and its network of dams and reservoirs. Del Valle retired from the board in 1929 and died in 1938 at age 83.

The Nominees.

The Men Who Will Head the Democratic Ticket.

E.B. Pond, the Democratic candidate for Governor, is at present Mayor of San Francisco. He is a business man of that city who, during his incumbency as Supervisor, as chairman of the Finance Committee of the Board of Supervisors and as Mayor, has made considerable reputation as an opponent of extravagance in municipal affairs, having succeeded in effecting substantial reductions in the taxation of the city and county of San Francisco. He carried San Francisco by nearly 5000 majority in the year when Blaine carried it by more than 7000.

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Senator R.F. Del Valle.

Senator R.F. Del Valle, the Democratic nominee for Lieutenant-Governor, is one of the best known and popular members of his party in Southern California. The following biographical sketch is furnished by an old friend of the gentleman:

Reginaldo Francisco del Valle was born Dec. 16th, 1854 at Camulos, then in Santa Barbara, now in Ventura county, one of the ideal homes of the gentle people of the olden time, known to us, of Southern California, as the rancho of that brave and honest gentleman, Don Ygnacio del Valle, and to all the world as the home of "Ramona." No greater compliment could be paid to Reginaldo del Valle than to say that he is the worthy son of his father and mother; than whom in all the Californias no people are held in higher esteem for those good qualities that make mankind near to the angels. After a thorough course of instruction at the schools of Santa Barbara and at home, Reginaldo entered the Santa Clara college and in 1873 graduated from that well-known institution with high honors. After a course of legal studies in San Francisco, he was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of the State in 1887, and entered upon the practice of his profession in Los Angeles.

In 1879 after a practically unanimous nomination by the County Convention of Los Angeles, he was elected by a large majority to the Legislature as an Assemblyman from this district. In 1880 he was chosen as one of the Presidential electors on the Democratic ticket for California. So well satisfied were his constituents with his conduct in public affairs, that he was with but slight opposition elected to the Senate from Los Angeles county in 1882.

In 1883 he was chosen and served acceptably as President pro tem of the Senate.

In 1884 he was Democratic candidate for Congress from the Sixth District and was defeated by a small majority.

When the Democratic State Convention for the selection of delegates to the National Convention met at Los Angeles in 1888, Senator Del Valle was chosen chairman without opposition, and that he made an acceptable chairman goes without saying.

With his law partner, Hon. M.E.C. Munday, Senator Del Valle has established and extensive and lucrative practice in his profession, and is today recognized by political friends and opponents as an able and honest gentleman, popular as a candidate and equal to whatever position he has been called to fill.

In This City.

In spite of the fact that the delegation which went north to San José a few days ago was nearly solid for Coleman, the local Democracy held a great celebration last night over the nomination of Pond. The news was received about noon of the nomination of Pond and Del Valle, which practically determined the character of the ticket. During all the afternoon the street corners were crowded with little knots of men talking it over. It appeared that most of the Coleman men must have gone north, for the nomination of Pond was generally commended and that of Del Valle was received with very general enthusiasm.

Republicans generally admitted, with the confident frankness of those who know they are all right and perfectly safe anyway, that the ticket was likely to be a strong one and would take work to defeat it.

In the evening an ex-tempore ratification was held. It was started by the Iroquois Club, who issued forth from its wigwam on First street with a band of music, several banners and a pretty fair contingent of followers. Presently the Jackson Club joined in and the Pond Club and members of various other organizations of the "unterrified."

The procession marched through the principal streets shooting off fireworks of all kinds, in a reckless fashion and yelling themselves hoarse. They finally brought up at the Court House steps, where a large crowd had assembled. G.W. Glowner called the meeting to order and suggested Capt. Mackey as chairman. He took the chair and made a few opening remarks. Col. Avers of the Herald was then called for. He paid a glowing tribute to the head of the ticket, a man for whom he had a profound admiration. He also commented on the wisdom displayed in the nomination of Lieutenant Governor. Calvin Edgerton followed, and after him came C.R. Reddick, M.F. Stiles and W.A. Ryan. When the crowd had tired of standing still so long, the procession was resumed. A visit was first paid to the Herald office and Col. Ayers was again called upon.

The crowd then exhibited its high good humor by descending upon The Times office. The band played a serenade and there were loud cries for Col. Otis. He presently appeared at the window, and after thanking them for the compliment paid to The Times said that he would freely admit that the ticket which had been put in the field was a strong one. He remarked, however, that the Republicans would do their best to defeat it.

The procession, after giving three cheers for The Times, moved on to the Iroquois headquarters. The rooms were soon crowded full, two bands began to play at once, and at intervals, when it was possible to be heard, Maj. Mitchell, ex-Mayor Workman, Judge Dupuy and others made speeches. It was a very late or rather early hour before the celebration came to an end.

Pond and Del Valle.

That is How the Democratic Ticket Reads.

San Jose, Aug. 21 — [By the Associated Press.] The Democratic Convention met at 10 o'clock this morning. The crowds in attendance were greater if possible than yesterday, and intense interest was manifested in the coming ballots, and speculation as to the result was indulged in freely on all sides.

Third Ballot.

Roll call for the third ballot on gubernatorial nomination was ordered as soon as the convention met. The third ballot, being the first ballot of this morning, resulted, after a number of changes, as follows: Pond 230, Coleman 228, English 158, Paulsell 21.

Fourth Ballot.

The calling of the roll for the fourth ballot had to be stopped a number of times until the delegates became quiet enough to allow announcements of votes to be heard. The contest was narrowing down to Pond and Coleman, and every time a change was announced in favor of either, there was the greatest excitement and it was next to impossible to hear the announcement of votes. Pond was gaining in almost every county. San Francisco announced that they gave Pond 141 votes.

The roll call, as completed on the fourth ballot, stood: Whole number of votes cast 631, Pond 455, Coleman 134, English 37, Paulsell 5.

Great Excitement.

The excitement which accompanied the taking of the fourth and last ballot had not been approached before during the convention. Delegation after delegation cast heavy votes for Pond, and when the first half of the roll call was completed Pond's nomination seemed assured.

When San Francisco was reached, Pond was given 141 votes, almost the full strength of the delegation, and the convention was thrown into a perfect uproar. The call progressed as rapidly as possible, but, owing to the great confusion and excitement, the secretary was scarcely able to hear and record votes.

When Sonoma county was reached there was no longer any doubt of Pond's nomination. The chairman of that delegation announced eighteen solid votes for Pond and the excitement broke out afresh. Almost every man in the convention hall was on his feet and the building rang with cheers and shouts.

Frantic Delegates.

The red, white and blue shields, which were used to mark the seats of different delegations, were torn from their fastenings and waived in the air. The last few counties on the list gave almost their entire strength to Pond, and when the result was announced there was another outbreak. The band played the national air, and not only the delegates, but also the spectators in the hall cheered for several minutes.

In the midst of the excitement, E.B. Pond stepped on the platform and made a short address. His appearance called forth a repetition of the same scenes of enthusiasm. Pond's remarks were brief. He thanked the convention heartily for the honor conferred upon him and promised to do all in his power to win and carry out the provisions of the platform. His nomination was then made unanimous, amid cheers.

W.D. English and Q.C. Paulsell also appeared on the platform and promised to support the successful nominee, after which the convention adjourned till 2 o'clock.


San Jose, Aug. 21 — When the convention met at 2 o'clock this afternoon there were loud cries for Coleman. Mr. Coleman appeared on the platform and was received with great enthusiasm. He made a short address, declaring that he intended to work with all his powers to secure the election of E.B. Pond.

O.F. Jones of Butte then nominated R.F. Del Valle of Los Angeles for Lieutenant Governor. The nomination was made by acclamation.

The Work of the Two Conventions.

The Democrats of the State in convention assembled have issued their programme, excepting some of the minor offices. The issue is joined between the two parties and comparisons are now in order.

For Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, respectively, the Democrats have nominated Messrs. E.B. Pond of San Francisco, and R.F. Del Valle of Los Angeles. These are, we are free to admit, as strong men as the Democrats could have selected from the material before them. At the same time, they are men whom our own nominees can afford to meet on equal terms, without fear, asking no favors and with every confidence of success.

Mayor Pond is a cold-blooded man, of admitted rectitude of conduct, but possessed of no personal magnetism, and lacking the power to inspire warm friendships. He is undoubtedly strong in San Francisco, especially among the mercantile and capitalist classes, although on the third ballot — the one preceding the final vote — he only received thirty-four out of a total of one hundred and forty-three votes, as against forty-seven which were cast by that city for Markham in the Republican convention. Against this may be placed, as more than a set-off, Markham's great strength in Southern California. Pond is said to be strong in the counties. So is Markham, and the latter's remarkable power as a vote-winner will render him still stronger before election day.

As to the second place on the ticket, Del Valle is a Native Son; so is Reddick; Del Valle, it is claimed, will draw a large Spanish vote; Reddick will draw the more numerous vote of the foothill mining belt. So that it will be seen from a materialistic point of view, regarding the political field as a chess-board, the Republican position is more than a good one.

Turning from practical politics and looking at the principles involved, as set forth in the two platforms, we find still less cause for jubilation on the part of the Democrats. The Democratic platform contains a large number of planks, many of which are perfectly acceptable to any good Republican, or to any good American citizen, for that matter. Such, for instance, are those in relation to silver, the Chinese question, the improvement of rivers, eight hours' labor, the restriction of trusts, pools, combines and monopolies, and to irrigation of our arid lands. The Democrats cannot get up any fight with us on these questions, and where they do come to an issue with us they are unquestionably in the wrong, and so admitted to be by a large majority of the people of the country. Take, for instance, the Lodge Election Bill, a measure specially devised to guarantee the free exercise of the franchise to all voters in the South. The California Democrats say they don't like it, nor does the Solid South like it. But it is a just measure, all the same, if the Constitution of the United States is just.

As to the Australian ballot system the Republicans have befriended it throughout the country while the Democrats, as a rule, opposed it.

The "sumptuary legislation" plank is a declaration against the regulation of the liquor traffic. The Republican party believes in a reasonable regulation of the traffic and is willing to meet the Democrats on this ground.

State division is not a live question.

As to the election of the Superintendent of State Printing by the people, to which the Democrats have given the importance of a separate plank, and to the fostering of the "wine-growing(!)" industry, no wicked Republicans are — as far as we are aware — lying in wait to defeat either object.

The weakest plank in the whole platform is that which declares forty-five cents on the hundred dollars to be a sufficient State tax, thus going five cents lower than the Republican platform. This, coming from the party which saddled us, last session, with the biggest State tax in the history of the United States, is a piece of arrant demagogy so transparent that it must provoke a smile even from those way-back Democrats who boast that they imbibed their political principles with their mothers' milk, but who have never assimilated sufficient strong food to enable them to find out why they are Democrats. Voters will be apt to prefer a fifty-cent tax from a party with a good record rather than to take the chance of forty-five cents from a party which tried hard to bankrupt the State at the last session.

The Democrats have not yet completed their ticket, and we defer comment upon it, as a whole, until tomorrow. Whatever they may do, however, cannot certainly now give them a fighting advantage over us. When we consider the great strength of our ticket, in connection with the fact that immigration to the State, during the past two years, has been largely Republican, we are justified in feeling confident that nothing less than inexcusable indifference on the part of Republicans can prevent us from carrying California this year, not by a mere margin, but by a comfortable majority, such as will settle definitely the political complexion of the State for a long time to come.

The nomination by the Democratic State Convention of our young fellow-citizen and Native Son, Reginaldo F. Del Valle, for the office of Lieutenant-Governor, was a deserved compliment to the man, to the section and to his race, which will, we are sure, be fully appreciated in Los Angeles and throughout the Southern country. The Times, a Republican paper, takes pleasure in commending Señor Del Valle for his ability, integrity and worth as a gentleman, and will do what it can in a proper way to elect his opponent.

Col. Markham was handsomely received by the people of Santa Barbara, upon the arrival there of the steamer Santa Rosa, yesterday. Despite the generous rivalry of his own townsmen, the enthusiastic Pasadenians, to be the first to do him honor upon his return to the South, the gallant Republicans and good people of the Channel City got in first. A large concourse ware assembled at the wharf upon the arrival of the steamer, and the distinguished citizen was escorted through the town with music and rejoicing, and spent some four hours at the Arlington, where a public reception was held. It was altogether a spirited affair.

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