Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

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6th Grade Graduation Program, 1955.

Newhall Elementary School.

Processional ..;.Mrs. Ruth Jones
' .
Flag Salute. ~ Ca-qherine Oppenheimer v Audience Please Stand
11In,vocationn ...Class of I SS Audience Remain Standing {
"Crusaders Hymn".~ . ,. .Gerald Star1ley Presentation. of Awards ., ..Mr. Glenn Riddlebarger "Life Is What You Maice It"..Marilyn White
Kay Sitton

American Legio'n Awards ,Mrs . Bernice Frazer
"Bless This House11 ... Donna Arey ~ -'. J Cassandra Houdeshell

Winning .I:.JSSay. ; ..Donna Arey . Second Place, 20th District /
"Dear Land of 1~11 .l"ry Love 11 ..Class of !55

Presentation of Class .Mr. Glonn Riddlebarger 'I Present ation of Dip~omas ~ ..Mr. Paul Dyck

Class Song~~ ...Class of r.55 Words Composed by Mr. Verity's Room
Re ces s.i onal.. .__...~ 8 o ., o . ~.Mrs. Ruth Jones, Audi ence Remain Seated .
BOARD OF TRUSTEES ~ Faul Dyck} President , J) To Salmond, Member K, .v ,. Eh:.hardt, Cle:-k Ru N~ Chesebrough,'Member
:M.; A. McCanlic:;s , . Member CLASS TEACHERS Herbert A"' Kelly Morris Ver i ty Wilda o~J orby Glenn f..o Riddlebarger D.istrict E',uperi ntendent.

( \ ,/ Donna Arey. Stephen Arnold _. Jerey Blain < Elana .Cass ., ' : Robert ))avidson , Ray Engell Ga:ile F'enr .. porothy . Cassandra Houdeshell '. ' Jo~eph Jaramillo .Linila , Michaud Patsy Mitchell , Donna Powell ' \'ferry Powell Michc:eJ.. Reese John Sirrllllons Jerry Simmons Williarn Smith -\ ,,, ~ Richard Thompson ._ Doris Trester ' " , r \ Itargriret Tutiiie Suzanne Walker Theresa lvnr,ring Marilyn Wonburg Linda Wilke . , . , I / ' $h~rryl Taylo~ / I \j.

I ' Fred Atlcr ' 'Sharyl Brown ' William Butler I Darla I Cmneron: \' ' Myrna Cash John Chalmers LindaCone Sandra' Cot,pam~ ., Robert B9:ircy Gareth Gordon \' ( _,,,, -.Karen {!anks , ' }Janda Harrison Gail Hanno.h , \; rDonna Jcrmo -Janice Johnson , (Blaino Manrique~f Richard. Meyer,s Lorraine Monte:rfogr.o Alvin Moore ) John>Nora'les . , ,e ..Fred Oaks 'joli.n Pe~arson ' ~ol?o~i;, Patripk ~ J'udi th Power ( Riley' Ritter~usch Theres~ _Scott 1 Barbarp. Schmidt j Joetta Williamson . Shirley .Martin r. J
/' Harold Arman 1Richard Bentley 1Jarnes Buddell . . Gary Cass -Warren Edon 1Gerald 'Fortenberey-1 Robert Friedricksen1 Stanley ,Fti~ldng. Warner Grayson / 1. HERBER~ A/ KELLY, \-TEACHER -,..___, 1John ~Helto.n.. . . Anna Hernandez D~n:iel .. \,. t James Lowis GJ.emi Mi11or Virg~:(lia Mitchell, Gayle Nowlip Ronald Norr:j.$ Catherine Oppenheimer1 Sharo'n, 'Sittbn ' Harold Smith ' Gerald Stahley ..Judith1S~,iers -~ Joseph Undcr~ood ' Ronald Wardi . Donn'is Warnick 'Marilyn White Jo1Seph Xurosek ' ;,/ I I

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