Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

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Magic Mountain: The West's New Family Funland.

Advertising supplement to the LOS ANGELES TIMES June 13, 1971

The West's New Family Funland.
Valencia, California

Pretty lucky.

Kids in Valencia
live right next door to Magic Mountain.

Wondrous new Magic Mountain is the icing on our
cake. Now there is so much here for kids that a
Valencia childhood is something special indeed.
We have lots of parks to play in,-and winding
pa~eos for safe walking and biking. Minutes north
are national forests and Lake Piru. Coming s'Oon is . the water-sports recreation of Castaic Lake.
As a parent, ,ou will be interested to know our
reading scores for the first, second and third
grades are well above the average of Los Angeles
schools. See the dog run. Run, Spot, run. When
your youngsters are older' and ready for Dostoev
ski, t~ey may want to enroll at our new College of
the Canyons or California Institute of the Art~. Our
high school students are briGht, too. They perform
markedly better in the state college system.
Our other diversions include four neighborhood
swim-recreation clubs. Three maddening and
.beautifully kept golf courses. And a choice of some
very good restaurants.

Three minutes frorp Magic Mountain are the 14
light industries of Valencia and not a whisper of
smog do' they produce. They may have a good job
waiting for you.

But the main advantage of Valencia is that it gets
you and your family out of the big city, Into the
master-planned community where noise pollution
and high-speed traffic and urban sprawl are strict

To see it all today, drive seven minutes north of
San Fernando Valley on the Golden State Freeway.
Visit our exciting array of homes. 23 furnished
models, $26,950 to $40,500; Garden-resort apart
ments from $150 monthly.
come hQme * to Valencia.
Behind Magic Mountain and Valencia are the people of N~F the Newhall Land & FarmingCompany,

Magic. Mountain brings new dimensions in entertainment and recreation to Southern Californians
Magic Mountain, a $20 million ment are free. The onty additional complex of thrill rides, live entercharge is for fo.od, games and gifts. tainment and dancing under the Magic Mountain operates from stars, is on its way to becoming one 10 a.m. to 12 midnight seven days of Southern California's top family a week throughout the summer fun spots. months and on weekends and school
Located just off the Golden vacations the rest of the year. State Freeway near Valencia, Magic
Aesthetics and Ecology

Mountain is designed to appeal to everyone from grandparents and Magic Mountain's concern for dating singles to -teenagers and aesthetics and ecology is evident toddlers. the moment guests pull into the
The beautifully landscaped 200--5000-car parking lot; which is com
acre park blends the best features pletely landscaped to blend with
of established parks wit~ a host the surrounding valley~. There is no
of innovative ideas for family fun. asphalt buffer between Magic Moun-
Designs for all Magic Mountain -tain and the outside world.
facilities were created by Randall A courtesy tram provided by
Duell and Associates, architects of Security Pacific National Bank
Houston's Astroworld and Busch whisks visitors to the entrance. Just
Gardens, Lion Country Safari in inside the gates, the Grand Parterre
Orange Co'unty, and a number of puts out a welcome mat of trees,
other successful fun spots in the flowers and shrubs. . United States and Europe. The parking lot and the Grand
Major attractions at the Magic Parterre are just small parts of the
Mountain entertainment complex $1 million landscaping that covers
include 33 major rides, three livethe 200-acre Magic Mountain site.
band dance pavilions featurin g conIn all, the park is carpeted with more
temporary and rock music, two than two million square feet of !'awn
major restpurants, a 384-ft high and ground cover, including 7000
observation Sky Tower, and the trees and more than 50,000 flowers,
3400-seat ? Up/Di.xi Cola Showcase shrubs and bushes.
Theatre. Light displays, a waterfall, Many of the trees were brought
lakes, gift shops and landscaped in from a nearby riverbed above
walkways complement the featured Castaic Dam, now under construc
attract.ions. tion. Transplanting saved hundreds
of native sycamores, live oaks and
.One Price Policy
California Toyon from drowning in

Magic Mountain is a joint venture the artificial lake to be created when
between subsidiaries of Sea World, the dam is finished in 1972. "
.Inc., operator of famous marine-life
parks in California and Ohio, and Thrill Rides
The Newhal l Land and Farming Magic Mountain's bevy of thrill
Company. It is a one-price park. rides are called "white knucklers."
Adult admissions are $5; children One of the most unique is the Log
from 3-12, $3.50; children under 3 Jammer, a bouncing, splashing dash
are admitted free. Once insidethe through a log-flume water course
wrought iron ornamental gates, all in a hollowed-out fiberglass log.
rides, attractions and live entertain-The log is propelled by a 28,000
The 384-ft. observation Sky Tower soars Valencia Falls.
. gallon-a-minute surge of water and . climaxes with a 90-ft, heart-stopping plunge into log-jammed Whitewater
Next on the list of white knuckler,
thrill rides is the Gold Rusher, a
thundering trip on a runaway mine
car that roller coasters around and
through narrow passageways in
Magic Mountain.
El Bumpo is ultra-modern water~
jet boats which bang and crash into
each other in the Lagoon while
Magic Mountain musicians provide
musical encouragement from their
island bandstand a few watery feet
The Sand Blaster is a landlub
ber's version of El Bumpo, while
the Grand Prix sports car ride,
sponsored by Standard Oil of Cali-
fornia, gives racing buffs the imagi
nary thrill of bringing home the
winner at Le Mans.
, -Gentle Rides Gentler fun is found on the Sky Tower, the Galaxy and the . Grand Carousel. Rising majestically above the park, the Sky Tower-soars almost
above Magic Mountain and beautiful

500 ft above the entrance level and gives . guests a spectacular panoramic view of the park, the Valley of Valencia and surrounding mountains. Twin high-speed glassenclosed elevators launch visitors to open and enclosed observation decks.
The unusual Galaxy ferris wheel has two 100-ft arms affixed with hanging baskets to lift passengers high into t~e sky. The Galaxy, like the Sky Tower, provides a breathtaking panoramic viewof the valley ~md then gently lowers passengers . back to earth.
-The Grand Carousel is MagJc , Mountain's pride and joy. Nothing brings adults, teenagers and children together like whirling about on a carousel to the buoyant beat of happy music. And Magic Mountain's carousel is one of the finest ever built.
Tracing its heritage back to the "Belle Epoque" year of 1912, the Grand Carousel is a resplendent combination of Italian and Renaissance carving blended with touches of turn-of-the-century Americana.
(cont'd 1)8Xt page)



13007 S. Main St. Los Angeles, Calif. 90061



Designers and manufacturers of Custom Garinents
See them at Magic Mountain

4016 Harry Hines Blvd. DaUas, Texas 75219

The Log Jammer, one of many "white knuckle" rides, climaxes with a 90 ft. plunge
into White Water Lake.

13424 Saticoy St. North Hollywood Cal if.


Manufacturer Of The High Quality Paints Used On

Call 213/771-3330 For Information

It features 64 finely-detailed hand carved jump ing horses, two full-length chariots and 18 ornate panels with a series of oil paintings depict ing favorite pastoral scenes of the ear ly 1900s.
The Grand Carousel had served nobly for 50 years at the famed Savin Rock Amusement Park in. West Haven, Conn., when it was purchased by Magic Mountain, shipped to California, and restorea to its former grandeur at a cost of $300,000.
A special kiddie sedion gives children, from ~peanuts" to preteens, gentle rides like the Clown Coaster, the Kiddie Dodg'em, and the Airplane ride.
Live Entertainment Nighttime Fun

Magic Mountain's non-stop cavalcade of live entertainment keeps the 7 Up/Dixi Cola Showcase Theatre in action day and night. During the day, the 40-ft stage is filled with plays,. music, dance productions and other attractions from some of the nation's best new and established talent. At night, the Showcase lights up with some of show business's b.righte$t stars. Headliners are changed every week, so something new and exciting is always going on.
Seven nights a week visitors are invited to kick up their heels in three distincti ve dance pavilions, where top new and name bands provide rhythms for nonstop frollics 'til midnight. All together the three pavilions offer almost 6000 sq ft of dance floor for more than 600
Comfort and Convenience at .All Times

Every effort has been made to ensure your comfort c1nd convenience d.uring your daylong outing.

Courtesy trains whisk you from yourcartothe entrance.

Transportation inside the park provided by monorail, funicular and adorable aerial


Park attractions geographically arranged to avert long waits.

Covered and air-conditioned queue lines.

No tickets required on rides orfor live entertainment.

Ample benches, many in lu-sh gardens.

Strollers available for toddlers.

Restroom facilities located strategically around the park.

Registered nurses on duty at First Aid Station.

Park Guest Relations Officers to provide you with specialized assistance.

-couples. Music ranges from Top

-Four Winds Steak House serves up
an inspiring vista and complete steak dinners for just $2.95. At the base of the Mol:Jntain, the Painted Pullet Restaurant offers southern fried chicken dinners in an area overlooking Whitewater Lake and the Log Jammer. The Creel House near the Lagoon features tempting fish sandwiches of the best Icelandic cod.
Youngsters delight in a restaurant designed especially for them. Tables, chairs, silverware -everything in -the restaurant is % scale. And serving stations have been lowered to bring waitresses to an eye-to-eye level with their smaller guests.
The Take Five is a veritable United Nations smorgasbord of restaurants, serving Russian meat pies, Mexican tacos and burritos, English and Norwegian fish and chips, American hamburgers and hot dogs, and Italian pizzas. 1n all, more than 40 rock to ballroom sophistication.
Throughout the park jugglers, clowns, magicians, costumed cartoon characters and other entertainers perform in the streets and
th th

on e pa ways.
Restaurants and Shops

Twenty-two food outlets serve guests hundredsof specialties from around the world. All food is prepared by Magic Mountain's own chefs in Magic .Mountain's own kitchens to ensure consistent high standards at modest prices.
Perched atop Magic Mountain near the base of the Sky Tower., the

30 different food and beverage specialties are served from the unique fiv~-sided restaurant facility.
The shops also have an I nternational flavor. One of the favorites
-is the Casa De Regalos, with an array of gift items and apparel from Spain and Mexico. At the Magic Acorn, magicians demonstrate a wide variety of easy-to-perform tricks, while the Gem and I is -the only jewelry shop in California to carry collector item replicas of Spanish doubloons from a highlyregarded specialty manufacturer in Florida.

Transportation around Magic Mountain's sprawling 84-acres of attractions is easy and fun. One popular way to rest tired feet is Eagles Flight, an aerial tramway that carries passengers in gondola.,. type cable cars that pass over 120-ft high towers. The Swiss-style Funicular that scales the Mountain to the Sky Tower is another enjoyable, foot-resting way to get around.
Closerto the ground is the Metro, a completely automated monorail system capable of handling more than 2000 J:)assengers an hour.
Magic Mountain's host of attractions is bacKstopp.ed by more than 1200 select and carefully trained employees who are on hand to serve guests and maintain all rides and facilities in tip-top condition. Aregistered nurse is on -duty at all times at the first aid station, and a staff of service and guest relations personnel constantly circulates throughout the grounds to ensu-re visitors a happy, memorable day.

Top: Eagles Flight is not only a "thrill" ride but an easy way to get to the other side of the mountain.
Bottom: Chevron's Grand Prix gives adults, children and sports buffs the thrill

Outstanding firms
such as UNION OIL CO., .

THE AMPHITHEATER -just one of the many painting-jobs at Magic Mountain handled by Klaas Bros. In this ultra-modern, 3000-seat amphitheater, Magic Mountain will present a variety of original musical shows.


Erected byAggressive 384 feet high from base to top of spire. The Sky Tower sits atop Magic Mountain providing an elevation of more than 500 feetabove the entrancelevelofthe park and a panoramic view ofthe rolling countryside. Two glass enclosed high-speed elevators carry guests to two observation decks, each holding up to200 people.
In all, there are more than 350 tons of steel in the tower. To complete the job, Aggressjve Erectors needed a crane with a 330 foot boom -almost as .tall as the tower itself.
Other rides with which Aggressive is associated are Billy
The Squid, The Circus .Wheel, The Crazy Barrel, Bottoms-Up.
Entertainment features include The 7-Up Showcase Theater and
the Dance Pavillion.

Magic Mountain invites company or group parties
at discount prices -.

Magic Mountain is especially geared to meet the entertainment
needs of groups from 50 to 20,000. Besides admission discounts from five to 25 per cent, Magic Mountain

will provide special tickets imprinted with the group's name, supply bulletin board and ' display help publicize the group
-. local media, and perform numerous

other services to make the
P. 0. Box 19iB, Louisville, Kentucky 40201
an outstanding success. 1 "Groups over 4000 may . even reserve the park for their exclusive
. ""Ill
use," says Lee Neumann, manager. "Everything in the park will be fully operational -all

rides, shows, games and rants. Bands will play in the three dance pavilions and top entertain


ers will perform in the 7 Up/Dixi Cola Showcase Theatre.''


Neumann says exclusive use of the park is the ideal solution for . WEST POINT major corporations wishing to have c "company days", for community
INDUSTRIES I N . parties, for public
and organizations holding fund-raising events.
Indus~rial and Turf ~quipment

"High Schools can get in on the 1320 W. 16th Street fun, too, by joining together for joint Long Beach, Calif. 90813 Grad Nites," Neumann suggests. For group fun information, con .. .;. tact Lee Neumann at (805) 259-7272.'...
posters, party in
the restau

This spectacular panoramic view of Magic Mountain tells the ~tory of the careful design and placement of the attractions all in more than 2 million square feet of decorative ground cover. The Strecker Construction Company -developers of the contour grading, underground utilities, decorative concrete walks and patios of Magic Mountain --is proud to have been part of this new family fun park.
3260 Motor Avenue STRECKER CON TRUCTION COMPANY Los Angeles Ca. 90034 / 870-1879 P.o.Box 2965 I Santa Fe Springs, Ca. / 773-8311
After you've. / . seen the Mouqt~in,
come v1s1t our Sea.
Shamu,the 2-ton killer whale, invites you to come to Mission Bay, San Diego, to see the world's largest salt water arena. Where"Shamu Goes H9llywood," in a totally new show.The biggest sea extravaganza ever staged. . .
A total of 8 exciting new shows and exhibits. Open every day. Free parking.

Superstars appear nightly at Showcase Theatre
Jimmy Durante, Milt~n Berle, Bobbie Gent~y, Mel Torme, The New C~risty Minstrels . ..

"All the world's a stage," observed William Shakespeare. But it is certain he -never had anything like Magic Mountain in mind when he penned that immortal line.
From opening time at 10 a.m. straight through Jo midnight, Magic . Mountain is alive with an almost endless variety of things to see and do. Trying to fit stage productions and other forms of live entertain- ment into this kaleidoscope of activity takes a considerable amount of experience and imagination . .
"Nothing like Magic Mountain has ever been tried before," says Larry Sands, president of Larry Sands Productions, Inc.
Sands has complete charge over all Magic Mountain's live entertainment, working with a budget in excess of $1 million annually. One of the most exciting innovations in Sands' program is "bringing performers to the people".
The whole park bubbles wifhclowns, jugglers, tightrope walkers
Magic Mountain at a Glance
Open from 10 a.m. to midnight seven days a week throughout the summer, and on weekends and school vacations the remainder of the year.

How Much:

, Adults $5.00; children 3-12, $3.50; under three admitted free. Admis. sion price affords unlimited access to all rides, shows and dance pavilions.

What's There:

More than 30 thrilling rides.

Three pavilions for dancing to live . band music.

Entertainment by top show business headliners.

Roving bands, clowns, jugglers, magicians and other street enter-: tainers.

Gardens and scenic walkways.

Twenty-two food outlets serving snacks to steaks.

Monorail, funicular and aerial tramway transportation systems.

Gift shops.

More thari 15 games. for exciting prizes.

Boom's WWI shooting gallery.

Exciting Penny Arcade.

and other circus acts at strategic locations. Troups of mobile magicians and other entertainers are constantly on the move around the park, while strolling troubadors fill the streets with song and even serenage diners at the Four Winds and other restaurants.
"Wherever you go, the entertainment comes right along with you," Sands says.
Performers who do this kind of on-the-sppt work have to be special. They have to Ii ke their jobs, Iike people, and have a deep appreciation of the importance of what they do, Sands says.
The unique character of Magic. Mountain live .entertainment is also
Jimmy Duran)e

noticeable in the 7 Up/Dixi Cola
Showcase Theatre. Built to profes
sional standards, this covered am
phitheatre turns the spotlight on
top headliners and rising new stars.
The shows are up tempo and last
30-45 minutes.
"Thefast pace and short duration of each show is in keeping with the mood of the park," Sands says; "People want to be active. A firstrate show running about a half-hour is a perfect respite before going on
Milton Berle
to more rides and attractions."
Also in keeping with the mood of the park, headliners in the 7 Up/ Dixi Cola Showcase Theatre are changed every week, so shows will always be new and fresh.
The 7 Up/Dixi Col~ Showcase Theatre was inaugurated with the Jimmy Durante show, featuring the Schnozz himself, h-is long-time sidekick Eddie Jackson, Sonny King, Jack Roth, George Finley and The Durante Girls.

The 3400-seat Showcase Theatre is destined to take its pl.ace with other top show places on the West Coast. The huge stage is 40 feet wide, 35 feet deep and 18 feet and is equipped with the finest professional sound, lighting and staging facilities. Bobbie Gentry

Th.e theatre's first afternoon bill

spotI i.ghted the rad io~television
comedy team of Lohman & Barkley.
Other stars signed for summer

appearances at Magic Mountain are
Milton Berle, Mel Torme, The New
Christy Minstrels.Bobbie Gentry and
Roger Miller.
This continuing policy of bring

ing in top name performers is one .more reason why Magic Mountain has al ready become one of Southern Califomia's truly unique attractions.
Mel Torme

Larry Sands Productions also books bands for the three Magic Mountain dance pavilions. Once again, entertainers range f rom name performers to the most promising new talent.
"The e~phasis is on rock, making Magic Mountain the swing ingest place in town for dating teenagers and young adults. But we also have plenty of music lined up for people who remember the waltz and fox trot," Sands says.
Security Pacific National Bank Opens new "1Q0-year-old" branch at Mountain
Victorian nostalgia combines with modern banking conveniences at the Magic Mountain branch of Security Pacific National Bank.
The branch offers a broad array of consumer-oriented banking services in a picturesque 19th century setting. Ornamental wrought iron, a metal mansard roof, brick veneer and wood detailing reflect the architectural style popul'ar during the reign of Queen Victoria. Inside, the Victo'rian theme continues with a
The main dance pavilion pre-miered to the popular beat of Nelson Riddle.
Like headliners in the Showcase Theatre, bands are changed frequently for the sake of freshness and variety.
"Programming entertainment for Magic Mountain is the most exciting thing I have ever done. The challenges are formidable, but the satisfactions of success will be unparalleled," Sands concludes.
display of period photographs from the bank's archives, brass cande- labra at teller stations and employees in Victorian costume-uniforms.
The bank is open from 1Oa.m. to 4 p.m. any day Magic Mountain is open -seven days a week during the summer and on holidays and school-vacations the rest of the year. Visitors to Magic Mountain may cash checks, buy American and foreign money orders, convert foreign currency and money orders, purchase cashiers checks and receive advances on Mastercharge cards.
Security Pacific's branch at Magic Mountain is one of only a handful of bank branches operating at amusement parks in the United States.
Founded in 1871, Security Pacific National Bank mair ,tains 422 domestic banking locations and has offices abroad in the United Kingdom, Europe, Asia and Latin America. With resources exceeding $8.5billion, it ran.ks as one of the ten largest banks in the U.S.

' Palmdale
Magic Mountain is 10 minutes north of San Fernando Valley on the.Golden State Freeway

(Interstate 5). T~ke Magic
Mountain Parkway exit.
San Fernando

Canoga Park

... ....,-'--- ,;;i~C;;,:o:,:;lo~r~ad.Glendale
1 Pasadena Frwy.
Pomona Frw .


Nighttime on theMountain
Magic Mountain brings a whole new world
of after-dark fun and entertainment
for young adults in a wholesome atmosphere
When the sun goes down, Magic Mountain lights up with a galaxy of prim-e after-dark activities for families, teenagers and dating singles. Throughout the park, stage productions, dance bands, street performers, cartoon characters, light displays, thrilling rides, good food and countless other attractions keep the place jumping right up to midnight.
"Magic Mountain after dark is the liveliest entertainment center in . the territory," says Bob 'Minick, director of operations. "There is more going on here than anywh.ere. else you can name."
Larry Sands, president of Larry

Sands Productions, is in charge of
planning, organizing and direpting
all Magic Mountain entertainment.
The events he has lined up for the
evening hours are truly special. And .
that's one more reason why Magic
Mountain, itself, is so special.
Top Talent

For example, seven nights a week througho~t the summer, a cavalcade of top name performers will sing, dance, entertain and cut up in the 3400-seat 7 Up/Oixi Cola Showcase Theatre. T~e roster of stars will read like a Who's Who of show business with names like Roger Miller, Bobbie Gentry, Milton
.Berle, Mel Torme and a host of
"There are twoshows a night, and
performers and ac~s are changed
every week, so.there is always some
thing new and exciting going on,"
Sands explains.
The Showcase Theatre is some

thing of a star in its own right. The
proscenium (production area) of the
stage is 40 ft wide, 35 ft deep and
18 ft high. This compares favorably
with the Ahmanson Theatre of the
Music Center and most other fine automatic lighting system is among the most modern around. And the sound system features 15-channel mixing and top quality speakers for excellent reproduction no matter where a person sits."

Three Dance Pavilions

Visitors who wish to do some dancing, singing and cuUing up of their own can choose from three distinctive dance pavilions and a wide variety of' live band music to please every taste.
Tne largest pavilion, located adjacent to the arcade area, is especially attractive to teenagers
Gifts from around the world are featured in dozens of charming gift shops on the
as a congenial spot for singles to meet other singles, but the wel come sign is also out for couples and youngsters from eight to 80. The motif is modern and the music draws its inspiration mainly from the Top
40. The sunken 3000-sq-ft dance floor easily accommodates -300 swinging couples who want to rock and roll and stomp the night away to the sounds of sbme of the finest established and rising new band musician~ around. The el.evated stage provides an excellent view of the artists. Musical groups in this pavilion ra.nge from five to 15 members.

A second dance pavilion in the
Victorian section ofthe park is some
what smaller with 2000 sq ft of
sunken dance floor for up to 200
couples. Here the music is softer
and smoother, supplied by musical
groups with three to five members,
also on a raised stag e.

The pavilion in the patio of the Four Winds steak house is the most intimate. The 1000-sq-ft dance floor ,accommodates up to 100 couples, and the music is by sophisticated

"All three dance pavilions are
surrounded by observation areas
with tables and chairs and nearby

The Grand Carousel is the pride and joy of Magic Mountain. It traces its heritage back to 1912. It's a resplendent combination of
"The technical equipment is also

Italian and Renaissance carving blended with touches of turn-of-the-century Americana. It was resto"red for its new adventures first rate," Sands says. "The preset at Magic Mountain at a cost of $300,000.




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Torrance, Calif.

Contract growers for
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P.W. Gillibrand Co.
General Engineering Contractors
5131 T~po (:; anyon Road (805) 526-2195 Santa Susana, Calif 9~063
Santa Susana Plant (805) 526-8840 / (213) 340-6939 Soledad Plant (805) 252-1010



384 feet high from base to top of spire, The Sky Tower sts atop Magic Mountain providing an elevation of more than 500 feet above the entrance level of the park and a panoramic view of the rolling countryside.
flume or around the track in a runaway mine car after sundown. That kind of excitement has to be experienced to be appreciated:
Exceptional Value

Another thing that has to be experienced to be appreciated is the view of the park and the surrounding valley high atop the 384-ft Sky Tower, . itself opulently ablaze with the hues of thousands of lights from base to peak.
"Dollar for dollar, I really don't know where a family or a fellow and his date can get a better entertain
. ment value," comments Minick. "A performance by any pne of the celebrities appearing in the Showcase Theatre would command $4 or $5 alone. Here, you get a topnotch show and everything else in the park besides." And as a final touch, the whole thing comes packaged under a canopy of diamond-bright stars twinkling in the smogless, blackvelvet sky of Valencia, only 35 minutes from downtown Los Angeles.

-May The Magic Of Your -Mo1:1ntain Be Everlasting To All Kids From 6 to 60!
Total Graphics Communications

Magic Mountain has been designed to complement the beautiful rugged landscape
of the Santa Susana foothills. The use of natural terrain, landscaping, per10d and modern architecture, majestic waterdisplays and fountains all '.blend into an exciting environment for family fun.
To make Magic Mountain one of the beauty wonders of Southern California and the West, it i~ estimated that more than a halfmillion cubic yards of earth were moved and 35,000 cubic yards of concrete were pc;mred at the park.
Christensen Construct'ion -concrete contractor at Magic Mountain -is proud to be part of the newest family fun spot in
Southern California.

refreshment facilities, so guests can eat and watch the activity at the same time," Sands notes.
Lighted Fountains
People who just want to stroll

about and enjoy the quaint shops
and million-dollar landscaping will
find the entertainment coming right
along with them. Costumed cartoon
characters, magicians, jugglers and
clowns will be all over the streets to
provide laughs and enjoyment
throughout the park. Strollers will
also be treated to dazzling displays
of rainbow-hued splashing foun
tains, Valencia Falls and garlands of
colored lights festooning all the
And, of course, besides all the . special nightime treats, the full
complement of rides and attractions
offered during the day continues
full tilt right up to closing.
But somehow they seem to take

on a new magic after dark. Imagine
yourself on the Grand Carousel in a
swirl of colored lights. Or the heart
thumping thrill of hurtling down the


"Magic Mountain," says Eugene light behind nearly everything Magic
R. "Doc" Lemmon, general manMountain is and will be. ager, "is a complete 'entertainment Lemmon says what distinguishes center, not just another amusement Magic . Mountain's entertainment park. center from a run-of:-the-mill amuse
''This distinction is more than ment park is hard to describe in a just a matter of words. It is the few pat phrases, becau~e the diffundamental concept that directed ferences are so numerous. $20 million into the Valley of Valen"But as n early as possible, the cia and transfo,rmed 200 acres of whole idea was to create a facility idle land into the liveliest spot in with something for everyone and Southern California." enough of everything so people
Lemmon (pronounced La Mon) would want to come back again and has been general manager of Magic again. We also placed an accent Mountain since 1968 when it. was on quality, beeause we were deter
/ only a gleam in the imagination of mined to be an integral part of the Sea World, inc., and is the guiding Valencia community, not just an eyesore with rides." Lemmon says the key to the operation is Magic Mountain's in

"The whole idea was to create a facility
clusive admission price, which gives visitors unlimited access to all rides

with something for everyone and enough of
and attractions, including performances by big name stars in the 7 Up/Dixi Cola Showcase Theatre
everything so people would want to come

back again and again."
and dancing in three distinctive

pavilions to live bands.

Lemmon says the all-inclusive price idea was borrowed from the airline travel industry. The airlines have proved that tying ev~rything i nto a single pack-age benefits everyone, because it perm its delivery of a top quality product at a rock bottom price. The same thing se.emed feasible for outdoor entertainment as well.
Lemmon says Magic Mountain was designed to impress Southern Californians, accustomed to repeat visits to area attractions, as well as once-in-a-1 ifeti me tourists.
"We've placed heavy emphasis . . on making the Showcase Theatre
-: one of the finest production facil i ties in Los Angeles County. Our plan . is to keep the theatre filled all season long with top show business stars.
"Live entertainment is crucial," he explains. "If we want people to keep coming back, there has to be something to keep coming back for. Guest celebrities in the Showcase Theatre and bands in the three dance pavilions are changed every week and new performers brought in. What it amounts to is this. Unless you check the entertain merit section of the local newspaper at least once a week, you ar.e likely to miss something here you would really fike to see.''
Although the rides don't change from week to we~k, new ones will be added. from year to year. And each ride has been carefully crafted to make them fun and exciting no matter how often they are used.
What about attractions not included in the adm)ssion price, like restaurants and shops?
"This is something we are especially.proud of," comments Lemmon. "Since we want people to come back again and again, we offer exceptional value. A $2.95 steak dinner in .. the Four Winds steak.
house is wel I worth $2.95. The same is true of food in any of the other restaurants, and the merchandise in the shops."
To ensure high quality at reasonable prices, Magic Mountain maintains full control over shops and rest au rants.
"In a phrase, Magic Mountain is human relations on a grand scale. We believe word-of-mouth is the best form of advertising, so we want to do whatever will make our visitors happy. The only thing about Magic Mountain that should be disappoint-/ ing is the fact we don't operate 24-hours-a-day, all year round."
The park operates seven-:days-. a-week throughout the summer and converts to a weekend and holiday season when schools are in session. During the balance of the season, Magic Mountain is available for private paqies catering to companies . and community groups.

Orange, Calif. & Orlando, Fla.
extends best wishes to





and invites the pub'lic to , try these exciting rides with
' which it as associated
1525 W. Compton Boulevard
Gardena, California 90247




,. .
PLUMBING HEATING PIPING CONTRACTORS SINCE 1908 241 W. Avenue 26, Los Angeles, Ca. 90031 223-3814

7241 Ethel Avenue
SUPPLIERS North Hollywood, Calif. 91605
Taylor Jett Water Systems Familian Plumbing Supplies Kohler Fixtures
Steel Fabricators and Erectors

Extends best wishes to
Magic Mountain

1101 WILSHIRE BLVD., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90017' (21 ~) 481-2400
... like building an entire city .
Magic Mountain offered builders a unique construction challenge
"Building a $20 million amuse-T~e enclosed amphitheatre, demerit and entertainment complex signed for live productions of like Magic Moun tain is comparable musicals and plays, features a to building an entire city -only double-=-reverse cantilevered steel more so," says Eugene R. Wade, roof with land-bearing side columns.
. director of engineering. The 384-ft open-truss Sky Tower,
"We've built more than 90 struc-which affords visitors a panoramic tures and no two are alike.. They view of the park and the surrounding include buildings, an automated valley, is anchored by 5½-ft diamemonorail, an aerial tramway, a roller ter caissons sunk 80 feet below coaster, a tunnel; a 384-ft observa-ground. In all, there are more than t1on tower, and a 3400, covered 350 tons of steel in the tower and amphitheatre. In addition, we moved more than 1200 cubic yards of conmore than 400,000 cubic yards of crete in the base.
earth, poured more than one million The task of erecting the Sky cubic yards of .concrete, strung Tower went to Aggressive Erectors more than 50 miles of electric wire, and Bridgemen, Inc., Los Angeles, dug more than 1000 miles of sew~rs, which lists. among its accomplishplanted more than 7000 trees, and ments work on the Qu eeri Mary, the carpeted more than two million Ahmanson Center, the Western Data, square feet of ground with flowe rs, Building and the Micro Wave Tower shrubs, grass and other -cover," in downtown Los Angeles. Concrete Wade notes. for the Sky Tower base was poured
by Christensen Construction Com
Unusual Methods

pany, Colton. Construction of authentic looking period buildings posed an inter~ esti-ng challenge, Wade says. "For much of the, we had to revert to primitive tech
What You Get
niques, which was a totally new
For One Price

~xperience for our craftsmen. To get the right effect, they had to use tools they. had never seen before . Or not use any tools at all. Some of
Magic Mountain's exciting oneour Spanish-period plastering was
price policy means all attractions done completely by hand."
inside the park are yours to enjoy Spanish roofs presented a simi
without limit and without fussing with tickets.
lar problem. Here the trick was to make them look aged and authentic

Included are: by laying the red tile shingtes in
— Thrill rides to set your heart irregular patterns instead of neat
thumping and your blood . even rows .
racing . At the other extreme, rides such
— Scenic rides to give you a asthe Log Jammer and the Gold
bird's eye view of the park, the valley and the surro und
Rusher demanded uncompromising
ing mountains.

prefiSiOn to ensure safe operation.
— SRecial rides just for the
Precision was also of utmost
children. .
importance in the contour grading
— Brilliant live entertainment
of Magic Mountain's mountain. This

in the 7 Up/Dixi Cola Showdeli cate job was done by the skill~d
case Theatre by .Magic workr-Den of Strecker Construction
Mountain's own players and Company, Santa Fe Springs.
top show business ce)ebri- One of the biggest construction
ties. chal Ieng es, however, was protecting
— Roving jugglers, clowns, the site during the initial earth
magicians and other street moving phase.
entertainers. "This was extremely difficult .on
— Band concerts. — Dancing to live band music
steeper areas of the mountain be
in three dance pavilions.
cause of our heavy equipment. At
— Dazzling after dark light dis...
one point, we abandoned modern
equipment in favor of a horse and

— Transportation around the pioneer-type plow to prepare hill-
park on the Swiss-style Fun- sides for concrete benches needed
icular, the Metro monorail, for drainage purposes," Wade com
and the Eagles Flight aerial ments.

Two Largest Projects Admission : Adults $5.00; children 3-12, $3.50; children under
The two largest construction
three admitted free. The only addi
projects at Magic Mountain we re

tional charge is for food, gifts, and the 3400-seat 7 Up/DixiCola Show
games played for prizes. case Theatre and the 384-ft Sky


Flexible Sched~ling Jaska, Inc., Pomona, was responsiIf you haven't ridden a jet-powered bumper boat, you've got a Magic Mountain thrill coming your way on El Bumpo.
ble for work on the Sky Tower, theWade points out that building Funicular, the Grand Carousel and an amusement center is a job requirthe 7 Up/Dixi Cola Showcase Thea-.

ing a flexible approach -both to tre. Other Jaska projects include planning and to actual construction.

Fernrock Estates for the California
"We started with a fixed budget Teachers Association and buildings,and basic ideas of what we wanted

for Shell Oil Company,-Emery Air in the way of -rides, shops, customer Freight and Westinghouse. conveniences, and so on. Then. we established budgets for each build-. $1 Million Landscape
ing and system," Wade explains. Landscaping Magic Mountain From then on it was a simultan-, was another major undertaking, eous design-and-build operation requiring $1 million and thousands . with as many contractors on the job of trees, shrubs, bushes and flowers as necessary. For example, at one to carpet the 200-acre site. At the time we had 25 separate projects entrance, visitors are welcomed by under construction and 15 project a bed of the new multicolored Magic
plans out for bid. Typically, we beMountain roses, developed by Armgan constructio.n within seven days strong Nurseries of Ontario. The of letting the contract." exciting Magic Mountain rose proWade says workers on the con.duces beautifully-form~d flowers
struction site varied from 150 to 300, dominated by orang-es and yellow depending on what structures were during the early stages and red at underway. Now that it is open, the maturity. park retains a maintenance staff of George Devault, Magic Moun
150 men, and has its own maintetain's landscape architect, was.stew
nance shops to handle all electrical, ard over the total project. Working mechanical, fiberglass, p~intings hand-in-glove with Devault to .capand woodwork repairs. ture the flavor of the natural moun
Prime conttactor for Magic tainscape surrounding the park was Mountain was M. J. Brock & Sons, Robert E. Sapien, Inc., Culver City. Inc., assisted by 17 subcontractors. Robert Sapien is one of the most Founded 50 years ago in Los Angehonored landscape developers in les, Brock & Sons has an impressive the business. Former president of record of achievements, including the California Landscape Contracthe Barrington Plaza Apartments in tors Association . and the asso.cia-, West Los Angeles, the Wilshire tion's 1967 "Man of the Year", he is Regent Apartments in West Los noted for landscaping at the Del Angeles, Beckman Auditorium at Amo Financial Center and Fashion Caltech, and . plants for Beckman Square in Torrance, Queen Mary Instruments, Inc., in Newport Beach, Park and the offshore oil drilling Fullerton and Palo Alto. islands in Long Beach, and numer
General contractor Martin J. ous prestige homes in Beverly Hills.


Builders of the Gold Rusher,Log Jammer' Grand Prix, and El Bumpo

Management' brings
rich background to

all ,facets of ope.ration
Building and operating a sue:.. cessful amusement park is no job for amateurs. It calls for professionals who have been through the mill and know the problems and how to solve them.
The best time to begin building such a team of first-class pro's is long before the park opens. And that's what happened at Magic Mountain, a joint venture between subsidiaries of Sea World, Inc., and The Newhall Lan d and Farming Company.
Sea World and Newhall Land started their search for top management talent three years before the first bulldozer moved onto Magic Mountain's 200-acre Valencia site. They picked an established winner in Eugene R. " Doc" Lemmon, gen-. eral manager. Lemmon was in full accord with Sea World and Newhall Land on the need for topflight personnel. His first order of business was attracting outstanding people to assist him.
" Experienced and innovative directors and managers are the links that hold any successful operation together," Lemmon (pronounced La Mon) says. "Murphy's Law warns that without alert management, everything that can go wrong, will. Our team is here to ensure it won't."
Two Decades of Experience

Lemmon brings more to Magic Mountain than textbook knowledge of his business. He has nearly two decades of experience in key management positions with major amusement parks and entertainment centers throughout America.
In the early 1950's, while serving as a consultant to the world-~amous Stanford Research Institute, he participated in feasibility and loc'ation studies for Disneyland. He then became director of operations t here for six years. He left Disneyland in 1961 to accept the post of vice president and general manager of Cedar Point, Inc., in Sandusky, Ohio. During the four years he headed this operation, he guided the park to new records in attendance and established Cedar Point as one of the most successful developments of its kind in the nation.
Lemmon came to Magic Mountain in 1968 from his post as general manager of the California Exposition in Sacramento. When Lemmonjoined Magic Mountain, the project was / little more than a bright idea in the minds of Sea World and Newhall
. Land executives. He was called in to give that idea form and to act as a focus for attracting the personnel to make it work.
"The components of Magic Mountain's success lie in six different areas: operations, marketing, engineering, finance, food and beverages, and merchandise. Each area .

' The Gold Rusher is a new kind of roller coaster that brings back all excitement of the old West as it races and plunges over,
around and through Magic Mountain.
is crucial, and I believe I have the best possible person in charge of each one," Lemmon says,.

Keeping the Wheels Turning
Director of operations is Robert Minick, Jr. One of the most experienced amusement and entertainment park executives in America, Minick has direct responsibility for all Magic Mountain operations. And, as might be imagined, these responsi bi I ities cover a wide variety of projects.
. Personable and apparently easygoing, he is almost a mar.tinet about supervision. People are constantly checking to see the grounds are spotless, rides are in tip-top condition, the food is tasty, the entertainment first-rate, and the employees courteous.
"We have one supervisor for every eight employees compared with one supervisor for every 24 most other places. Naturally, this is expensive. But in the long run, it is far more expensive to have visitors go away disappointed than to er11ploy supervisors to make certain everything is up to snuff." he expiains.

Using a scale model, Eugene R. Lemmon (center}, general manager of Magic Mountain, points out major park attractions to Thomas L. Lowe, president of The Newhall -Land and Farming Company (left}, and George D. Millay, president of Sea World, Inc.
Minick joined Magic Mountain in 1969 from his post as vice president and director of design for Leisure Systems, Inc., of Washington, D.C. Previously, he was associated with Disneyland, Six Flags over Texas, Legend City in Phoenix, and
Pirates World -in Fort Lauderdale. He was also an associate of Randall Duell and Associates, the noted architectual firm that designed Magic Mountain.
Quality and Cash Flow

Magic Mountain's attractions and admission price are designed to make visitors want to come back again and again.
The man charged with keeping operating costs down and quality up is Ross D. Stevens, director of finance.
"It takes a lot of careful financial planning to give Magic Mountain its magic," Ross says. ''But when I think of everything we offer at such a modest price, I know the effort is well worthwhile."
Stevens brings big league financial experience to Magic Mountain. Previously, he was vice president/. finance and administration with Typagraph Corporation, San Diego, and vice president/controller and assistant treasurer of Fedmart Corporation, San Diego. Other associations include Electro Instruments, Inc., San Diego, and ln!ernational Harvester, San Diego.
Shopping in Style

Magic Mountain's unique gift and souvenir shops are operated by David S. Moyers, merchandising director:
Moye rs describes the shops as

a cross between an old-time country Build a better mousetrap and store and an interior decorator's people won't budge -unless they paradise, and says the emphasis is know about it. The same is true of a on quality. better family entertainment center.
"We have several stores offering The man who makes sure the typical souvenir gifts in the typical public always knows what is going price ranges. But we are also trying on is Jan E. Schultz, director of a new philosophy. W~ are offering marketing. Schultz is responsible many custom-made gifts and home for managem~nt of all marketing, furnishings that cannot be found advertising, promotion, sales arid elsewhere -at prices as high as public relations. $200," Moyers says. "The product is the key," Schultz
Forexample,theGemandloffers says. "The best marketing and
collector item replicas of Spanish advert\sing possible can only perdoubloons and a line of hand-cast suade the consumer to try the busts of historical figures. product once. After that, the pro
Moyers' experience in retailing duct must deliver before the conspans more than two decades with sumer will buy it again. In the case some of the most famous names in of Magic Mountain, we know the the industry, including a period as product can deliver. So now it's up an art buyer for Gimbles, the major to advertising to pers~ade people East Coast department store chain. to try it." He joined Magic Mountain in 1970 Schultz was named director of from his post as merchan dising marketing in 1970. Previously he director with Rainbow Springs, was director of advertising with the Florida. Alberto-Culver C~mpany. He also
A City in Itself has been an account executive with
Eugene Wade is a super Mr. Leo Burnett Advertising Company Buildit and Mr. Fixit. In his post of and manager of th~ sales service director of engineering, Wade tackdepartment of the National Broadles the tough task-of keeping eve~y casting Company. ride, building, sound system and

lightbulb in the park functioning smoothly. He also oversees alteraMagic Mountain takes special tions of existing facilities and plans pride in its food service, which is new rides and attractions to be designed t o give highest quality at added in the years to come. the lowest possible price.
"Building and maintaining a "Good food in inviting surroundcomplex like Magic Mountain is ings is a prime element in the Magic comparable to building and mainMountain concept. The park opertaining a small city," Wade says. ates 14 hours a day and with all the
"Magic 'Mountain has an independexciting activity, people get very ent water supply, sewer outfalls, hungry. Our aim is to make dining, gas and power loops, its own circu-whether on hotdogs or steaks, as 1ation system and more than 90 much a part of the Magic Mountain structures, no two of which are experience as the rides, dancing, alike." shows and entertainment," explains
Wade came to Magic Mountain Max L. Sloan, director of food and in 1969 from Anheuser Busch. In his beverages. capacity there as engineering manSloan joined Magic ~fountain in ager in charge of corporate affairs, 1969 from Disneyland, where he held he planned and supervised the net--the post of area manager and assistwork' of Busch Gardens, the sucant to the director of purchasing. cessful entertainment centers adPreviously, he was .associated with joining a number of the large brewthe Trans-Western Hotel Corporaery's plants throughout the country. tion i n Oakland as executive chef.
From left: Eugene R. Lemmon, General Manager, Magic Mountain; Jan Schultz, Director of Marketing; Euge '1de, Director of Engineering; Max L. Sloan, Director of Food and Beverages; 110:ss D. Stevens, Director of Finance.

Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems
13031 East Los Nietos Road Santa Fe Springs, Calif. 90670 941-8719


CONGRATULATIONS The Sky Tower will whisk visitors 365 feet above the
to. suit everyone's taste throughout
park. At the pea~ of its cfimb, this ride will reveal


a spectacular panoramic SNACK STANDS-ICE CREAM PARLOR view of hills and valley BAR-B-QUE -DO-NUT COFFEE HOUSE
unfolding for miles.
lntamin AG of Zurich,

Furnished and installed by Switzerland is proud to have been associated JAY DEE :MFG. with The Sky Tower
Custom food service equipment
and Magic Mountain.
2965 E. Harcourt St. Compton, Calif. 90221

Zurich, Switzerland

Magic Mountain
The Wesfs New Family Funland
J;>ut it all together, and Magic Mountain adds up to a unique concept that captures the best oftwo worlds: exciting rides and entertainment plus an enchanting country park. It took thousands ofpeople to make Magic Mountain the ultimate in comfort, convenience and sheer excitement. Here are just a few:
KANE CONSTRUCTION INC. BUILDERS SPECIALTY 21740 Devonshire, Chatsworth COMPANY Rough and finish carpentry 2536 N. San Gabriel Blvd.,

H. RUSSELL TAYLOR Partitions and accessories 1831 Golden State Hwy, Bakersfield Portable fire extinguishers-and BRUCE ALLYN
safet):' e9uipment PLUMBING CO. 955 Price Avenue, Pomona
Complete plumbing service

RENTAL, INC. 24770 Valley St., Newhall -SHARP STEEL C O., INC. 8305 S. Allport, Santa Fe Spring
Everything from heavy operated Concrete reinforcing contractors
equipment to h<;>me owner rentals

3756 Riley, San Diego


24406 N. S~n Fernando Rd., Newhall MAC GLASHAN ENTERPRISES Complete line of building materials 8062 Main Street, Stanton and hardware Shooting Galleries

-SUPPLY 1700 W. Washington Blvd., Los Angeles Eyerything in concession supply
. advertisement

Magic Mountain is the center of a wide variety of recreational activities available in Valencia. Within sight of the soaring 384 Ft. Sky Tower are ma ny ot~er outdoor activities for your-enjoyment.

Your choice of three golf cour::es: the championship Valencia-designed by Robert Trent Jones; sporty Vista Valencia -with famous island green; and Vista Chica -a par 3.
(213) 365-9341 /365-3322


Three miles from Magi'c Mountain is Travel Village, a new recreation vehicle park and campground offering complete facilities and on-site recreational activities. Located one mile west of Interstate 5 on Highway 126.
(805) 257-2700

Water . skiing, swimming, fishing and boating t Lake Piru and Castaic Lake, soon to be the largest freshwater lake in Southern California, just minutes from Magic Mountain and Travel Village.

Western saddle horses, lighted arena, boarding facilities, riding classes and hay rides at Circle K Stables just north of Magic Mountain. Cottonwood trails.

(805) 259-9287 /257-2633
Indian Dunes features "good dirty fun" for motorcycles, dune buggies and ATV's. Acres of trees, streams and mountain-trails. Races every Sunday. -Two miles west of Magic Mountain on Highway 126.
(805) 259.-8000
IIPlllc Buildinp
11111 c a lunge
When Magi.c Mount-ain faced building problems, they needed help

Martin J. JaSka, Inc. and the Armco Building system gave it to them
And they're prepared to give you all the help you need on your next building problem. They can give you a complete building package-from site selection to final landscaping. And they're working with the Armco Building System --the standard of excellence in pre-engineered steel buildings.

Martin J. Jasko, Inc.
ARMCO Armco Steel

1432 N. Gordon Street . Pomona, California (714).623-1538 V Buildings

TheBeauty . ofMagic Mountain

Beauty and enjoyment is everywhere at Magic Mountain. Lush landscaping assures cool, pleasant surroundings throughout the park. Robert E. Sapien, Inc., landscape contractors, is proud -as with all of his clients -to be part of this new 200-acre family fun park for the enjoyment ofour fine city and state ..
4243 Overland Avenue, Culver City;California 90230
The Seven UpBottling Company . ofSouthern California is proudtobe part of Magic Mountain and to sponsor
the ShOWcase Theatre

,. . ~
On stage inthe 3400 seat theatre,you will see some ofthe finest entertainment in America p~rformed in asetting unequalled anywhere in the world.
For an encore after the show, or wherever you take an"intermission" in Magic Mountai~,you'I I find' 7-UP and Dixi Cola dose at hand, ready to add to your pleasure.

SevenUp and Dixi Cola products were selected to be the only soft drink beverages served at Magic Mountain.

We're right across tbestreet from thefun. Eitherway you wall< .
On one side of the Ranch House Inn, you'll-find Magic Mountain. Grand entertainment for the whole family. And on the other side, you'll find 18 holes of magnificent Robert Trent Jones golf. What's more, you'll find a
swimming pool, sunny patios and a .
children's play area right here at the Inn. As well as a restaurant and cocktail lounge. -And after a day of fun, you really enjoy a night of rest in one of our 122 handsome air-conditioned guest rooms. When you think about it, we're not only across the street from the furi . .. we're part of it.
For reservations at the Ranch House Inn, -call (805) 255-0555.
27413 North Tourney Road, Valencia, CA. 91535
If you're planning a vis it to Los Angeles, San Francisco or Fresno, visit the Airport Marina Hotels at the airport in all three cities.



31 0 North Ho<:)\~er Street P.O. Box 74426 Los Angeles, California 90004
NOrmandy 6~0181
Public Address Intercommunications Sales -Service Installation and Rentals


The exciting Swiss cable railway constructed by Placek.
general railroad contractors
P.O. Box 6336, .
Torrance, California 90504 (213) 371-2876

152 20 Raymer St. VanNuys, Calif. 91405

The West's Largest Growers-to-you
Really had fun growing
the trees and shrubs for

Choose and cut living Christmas trees too. (See West side of freeway 1 mile South oJ Magic Mountain)

241 33 No. Railroad Avenue Newhall. Calif. S 1 321 .
Elect~ical contractors


Magic Mountain borrows success formula from booming Sea World
, How do you put the "mc1giq" jn Besides its aquatic park, Sea
Magic Mountain? How do you cap~ . WorJd .operates two restaurants in
ture an audience or a family and . Sari Diego. The Atlantis opened in
make them guffaw, giggle or tum 1967 onMission Bay and is connec-,
goggle-eyed with amazement? . , . ted to Sea Worl~ a quar~er mile away'
You start with entertainment piz-by a gondola/chair skyride. Large
zazz,. fun for the young and groovy b~pquet rooms .and view dining-
showmanship. That's the approach . areas are located on the 2½-acre
that put Sea World of San Diego and ' site, as weJI as patio dining and
Sea World of Ohio on the entertainlounge entertainment features.
ment map. And it's the same apBoom Trenchard's Flare Path, with proach that will make a success of an aviation / aeronautical theme, Magic Mountain, a joint venfure overlooks the runway at San Diego's 'between subsidiaries of Sea World International Airport. Opened in and The Newhall Land and Farming 1969, the restaurant's six levels offer Company. a visual history of flying-from the The innovative management 1890s to the present. team of Sea World has been involved with Magic Mountain from the very
Off to Ohio

beginning. Their expertise in enter-Sea World made its first trek in
tainin g people is behind every thrill land in 1970 al I the way to the Cleve
ride, children's attraction and fun land area, where -it opened Sea
facility in the park. World of Ohio: More than 944,000 Proven Success people visited the new park its first The Sea World approach is unyear, 51 per cent over projections. questionably successful. Last year Opening Sea,.World of Ohio was Sea World of San Diego entertained a spectacular event. To overcome a a record 1,555,663 visitors. scarcityofdolphirisand killerwhales Like Magic Mountain, Sea World in Ohio,.nearly 75 animal stars were of San Diego continually changes flown from San Diego to . Cleveland its attractions so visitors can enjoy on a special American Airlines 707 its unusual entertainments again and jet liner dubbed the Astro Ark. The again. This year "Shamu Goes Hollypassenger list included eight bottlewood," a new show starring Sea nose dolphin, one elephant seal, 12 World's 4800-pound killer whale, sea lions, four harbor seals, 10 flaopened in a new $1.5 million whale mingos, six king penguins and one stadium. Seating 3000 peoplearound .killer whale. The 4000-pound killer a million-gall.on tank, the stadium whale, naturally, occupied the first provides unobstructed views of . class section. Shamu's amazing antics. The splashing success of Sea Also new this year are theSparkWorld of San Diego and Sea World letts Water Fantasy Show, with musiof Ohio has spurred plans for yet cal arrangements by Nelson Riddle, another Sea World in Florida near and the Star-Kist Underwater Show, the site of .Disney World. The new which also features arrangements p ark is slated to open in 1973 and by Nelson Riddle. The underwater will be designed by Randall Duell show stars Sea Maids, dolphins and and Associates, the firm which deMax, a super-star sea lion. signed Magic Mountain.
Daredevil ride ~>n a killer whale is a daily attraction at Sea World, the 70-acre marine park on Mission Bay in San Diego.


surveyors Los Angeles, California

Meet Bugs Bunny,
Road Runner and
the Looney Tunes
Merry Melodies
Family at Magic Mountain
(Division American Building -Maintenance Industries)
The new home of the world famous Warner Brothers
Manufacturers and distributors cleaning chemicals and janitor supplies

CJnac;ic L)J'lounfain
W e are proud to be associated with the finest

new family amusement center in the W est.
Garnet N. Walker and Staff
Far W~st Amusement Corp. of California

12120 E. Park St. Cerritos, Calif. 90701
Custom wood mil/work Steelcraft M etal Doors Frames


l 0245 Wright Road South Gate, Calif.

Valley of Valencia lends unique setting to Magic Mountain
Magic Mountain and the Valley of Valencia form a perfect-aesthetic, economic and recreational partnership.
Located approximately 35 minutes north of the Los Angeles Civic Center, Valencia is a picture of sylvan serenity, separated from the bustling San Fernando Valley by high mountains covered with nation.:. al forests. Until recently, the major activity in'Valencia was farming and grazing cattle on the valley's plains and gently rolling hills.
Mexican Land Grant

Valencia is contained within the borders of the Newhall Ranch 41 ,000 acres of history dating back to 1769 when Gaspar de Porto1a passed through the area on his first colonizing expedition. The Newhall Ranch was originally called Rancho San Francisco when it was given as a land grant to-Antonio de-I Valle in 1839 by the Government of Mexico. The property was purchased from an oil syndicate in 1875 by 1:-ienry Mayo Newhall, a colorful California pioneer who added orchards and grazing cattle to the landscape.
When the spreading urbanization of Los Angeles became irresistible a few years ago, The Newhall Land and Farming Company decided the time was right fqr development of some of its holdings. Determined to prevent urban blight, fhe company turned over 3500 acres . to the California Land Company and the famed architectural firm of Victor Gruen & Associates to develop a master planned community which would forever preserve the val'ley's rustic heritage:
The success of the master plan has been phenomenal. The first homes in Valencia were sold to the public as recently as late 1967, and ,already the new community has attracted world-wide attention and interest. A constant stream of urban planners and developers visit Valencia to look, learn and acquire ideas for their own projects.

Urban Villages

Perhaps the most impressive aspect of Valencia is its rare combination of village charm with the amenities of urban life.
Valencia's currer,t population of 6000 is projected for 25,000 by 1975 and 190,000 by 1990. The heart of the community will be a compact high-rise city center consolidating all the city's major retail, business, civic and cultural activities. Surrounding this center will be a s~Hies of villages, each with its own smaller shopping and recreational centers, schools, library, churches and 1ocal commercial enterprises.
The master plan calls for each of these facilities to be no more than an easy half-mile stroll over a pedestrian pathway system of "paseos." These paseos are strictly for people.
Lighted underpasses and overpass".' es ensure residents can walk almost everywhere without crossing a street. Adults never have to fight traffic when they stroll out for shopping, and parents have no fears when they send their children to school or out to play in the parks and recreation centers.
1 Each village is separated from the others by open spaces. InternaHy, each'viUage is made up of four or five . neighborhoods containing about 700 families each. The-homes are being constructed by five Vyellknown southern California builders and come in a wide range of prices, sizes and options. Innovative "expandable" homes leave the upper story internally unfinished for com.:. pletion by the owner as extra bedrooms or living space .to accommodate growing families.
Economic Vigor

The economic life of Valencia has been carefully planned to complement its residential I ife, and Magic Mountain plays an important part.
Valencia's 1000-acre Industrial Center is located behind a natural buffer of hills to screen it from the residential neighborhoods. Yet it's just minutes from everyone's driveway. In addition, all industries are strictly regulated tc eliminate dust, smoke and noise.
The Industrial Center already employs about 2500 and is developed oniy to less than 25% of its potential. Lockheed California . Company's 500-acre Rye Canyon Research Laboratory has invested $35 million in its Valencia facility. Other major companies in Valencia include Hydraulic Research and Manufacturing Company, FairchildHiIler Corporation, BucheimerClark, Pope Manufacturing Company and M. W. Sausse & Company.
According to economists, Magic Mountain will be a focal point of prosperity in Valencia and the surrounding communities. Besides providing more than 1200 jobs itself, Magic Mountain will be a boon to motels, hotels, restaurants, gas statiqns and just about every other commercial enterprise.
The economists say that forevery dollar spent at Magic Mountain, eight to ten dollars will be spent in the community. This means that Magic Mountain the first year will generate $80 million to $100 million
in additional-income for local businesses.
It is important to note that commerce around Magic Mountain won't be permitted to grow like Topsy. Since the land around the park is owned by The Newhall Land and Farming Company, commercial grovyth will be carefully controlled to protect and preserve Valencia's rustic beauty. ,
Recreational Array
Valencia is a recreational paradise. , Magic Mountain, of course, presents almost unlimited possibilities for families, teenagers and children from late spring to early fall, and on selected holidays during the school year. Nearby Magic Mountain is Travel Village, a recreational vehicle park and campground that offers complete facilities and on-site recreational activities for families traveling in campers. Besides Magic Mountain, Valencia offers parks, clubs, swimming pools, Circle K riding stables, and three golf courses. The large 18-hole ValenGia Golf Course, designed by famed golf-course architect Robert Trent Jones, is 7105 yards long, meets championship standards; and has been rated as the toughest course in Southern California. A snorter 18-hole executive course called Vista Valencia and a 9-hole par three course were designed by Terry Van G9rde r. Motorcy-cle enthusiasts, dune buggy fans and owners of All-Terrain-Vehicles will ftnd Indian Dunes an ideal area that provides challenging trails and beautiful scenery. ln dian Dunes, Los Angeles County's first off-road motor recreation park, is well separated from the commun.;. ity and Magic Mountain by natural terrain. Culture flourishes at the new California Institute of the Arts, a four year art and music school for 1200 students. The $36 million campus is devoted to all the visual and performing arts, ranging from painting, design, music, ball,et, drama and film. For . anyone who wants to get away from it all, an unlikely proposition, nearby Placerita Canyon offers an ideal streamside picnic site. Or nearby Lake Piru will summon the avid water-skier and fisherman. And just ten minutes to the north of Valencia will be Castaic Lake. Formed by the Castaic Dam, to be completed in 1972, the lake will be Southern California's largest fresh water facility for swimming, fishing and water skfing. Castaic Lake's 34 miles of shoreline will be irresistible to hikers., campers and equestrians. Surrounding the lake -and indeed most of the Valley of Valencia -is the Angeles National Forest, one of the greatest natural parks in the world..

From The Mountain ,to the-sea. MAGIC MOUNTAIN:A mountain of fun and laughter.radiating with the squeals of little ones and the happy smiles of grown-ups. Rides and attractions and relaxation unimaginable. When completed, Magic Mountain will take its place alongside of the finest amusement areas ever created. And M. J. Brock & Sons, Inc. is proud to have served as General Contractor forthis special project. This kind of broad undertaking is not new to us. The construction we have undertaken in Southern California during th~ past 49 y~ars stretches from The Mountain to the sea.
WE BUILD 'BUILDINGS:All sizes and shapes. Industrial buildings,
. hospitals, high-rise apartments, public buildings, schools. A variety of structures, from onestory t0 multi-story, have risen under our experienGed hand.

Beckman Instruments, Inc., Systems D ivision, Fuller:ton, California
M.J. BROCK & SONS, INCe.LosAngeles,Calif.
A ~holly owned subsid1ary of ~ Corporation

. I .It's just inside the main gate at Magic Mountain. And the lovely, nineteenth century exterior is just the beginning.
Inside, you re in another era. Less hurried.
More gentle. A time of mellow, polished woods.
Gleaming chandeliers. Fine old. furniture.
And tellers and officers dressed in fashions
that turned heads when Crandmother was a girl. But don't let the decor mislead you. We're open for business every day the park is. And we're here to help you. Jusf like the more than four hundred and fifteen other Security Pacific Bank branches. throughout California.

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