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Last  December, the  Baldwin  Hills  dam  in  Los Angeles  broke
         and sent millions of gallons  of water cascading through the city,
         leaving  three  persons  dead  and thousands  homeless.  It  was  the
         worst  ·/food  disaster  in  the  area  since  the  St.  Francis  dam  burst
         in northwestern Los Angeles county,  killing  450  people.
          PoPULAR  ScrnNCE  this  month  presents  a  dramatic  account
         of  the  earlier  disaster-which  s-purred  the  passing  of legislation
         that  was  to  prevent  such  catastrophes  from  ever  happening
         again.  But  one  did,  and  once  again  a  ravaged  community  can
         only ask: Why did it happen?

        The Day the

        Dam Burst

        Just 36 years ago, the mighty St. Francis dam

        collapsed, loosing a 125-foot wall o,f ·water
        that drowned a sleeping California valley

        By Wesley S. Griswold

        U     NDER  a  star-bright  sky,  in  the  hour  before  da~
               on March 13, 1928,  a  U.S.  Navy cruiser was  slicing
               southward  through  the  tranquil  waters  of  Santa
        Barbara  Channel.  The vessel's  course for Long  Beach took
        it within  10  miles  of the California  coast between Ventura
        and  Oxnard.
          Suddenly,  the lookout  shouted,  "Wreckage  dead  ahead!"
          An  officer  on  the  bridge  quickly  ordered  the  cruiser
        stopped.  As  it  slid  to  a  halt,  searchlights  flashed  on.  Their
        blue-white  beams  pointed  to  a  horrifying  and  wholly
        mystifying  sight.
          Across  the  path  of  the  ship  lay  a  broad  swath  of  silt-
        soiled  water.  In  it  floated  corpses  of  horses  and  cattle,
        rooftops, trees, barn timbers, and a forlorn stream of house-
        hold  po,ssessions . .
          Here  was  the  unmistakable  evidence  of  a  major  flood.
        Yet  the  cruiser  lay  off  the  mouth  of  a  river  known  to  be
        normally  dry.  There  had  been few rains  lately.  They were ·
        never  frequent  in  this  locality.  Floods  were  unknown;
          The cruiser's radio operator urgently queried Long Beach
        Naval Station ..  What had happened? No one on d:uty  knew   The  barren  foothills
        88  POPULAR  SCI ENCE  MARCH  1964
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