Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

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Hi Jolly Pioneer Cemetery.

Guide and Map.

Hi J oily Pioneer Cemetery
Take a historical walking tour with
the Pioneers of Quartzsite's past

The founding fathers and wives that molded the beginning of Quartzsite's history were a determined and unique group ofpioneers. There are second and third generations of these Pioneers still residing in Quartzsite and contributing to its growth and economy. Going back to a time without basic services for miles ( or days), and with ~he added hardship of daily living in 100 plus heat day and night, the bonds made with neighbors were strong enough to form little communities like Quartzsite. Into these communities came the Keiser's, Scott's the Kuehn' s, Hagely' s and Cowell' s.

Hi Jolly-Phillip Tedro- Hadji Ali -1902
Became a camel driver for LT. Edward F. Beale's Expedition called the Camel Corp to survey for a wagon road across Arizona in 1857. After the government auctioned off the camels, Hi Jolly (Hadja Ali also known as Phillip Tedro) used camels to haul water. In 1863, he was an express rider from California to Ft. Mojave. He was a miner, packmaster, guide and scout until 1870. Hi Jolly Cemetery is dedicated for his service to the U.S. Government.

#1 Wm. G. Keiser -1963 Miner, owned the Beacon Motel, operated a small mortuary in connection with Yuma. Owned and operated the first telephone company in Quartzsite.

#2 Jessie L. Keiser -1939 1st husband was Harvey Jasper. Second husband Wm. G. Keiser. She ran the Beacon Motel and was the sister of Buck Conner.

#3 Charles R. Mott -1946 -Veteran Homesteaded south of Quartzsite in what is now La Paz Valley. Raised bees, Justice of Peace for one term and was superintendent of the North Star Mine in the KOFA Mountains.

#4 Ella M. Mott -1938 Wife of Charles Mott.

#5 Joseph C. Lawrence -1976 Veteran. Tillie A. Lawrence 1987 -wife. Cyrus O Row -1967 -Veteran.

#6 Zenobia Lacy -1935 Wife of William Lacy. Son-Dale Raulson of Yuma.

#7 William C. Lacy -1940 Justice of Peace in Quartzsite for 3 terms, and a county engineer at Yuma.

#8 Jay L. Kirlin -1940 -Veteran Came from Ouray, CO.. for his health. Located claims in LaPaz and was the mine foreman for the Banner American Mining Co.

#9 Arthur Currier -1961 #10 Unknown

#11 Jack Moffatt-1941 Came from Canada. In town 15 days and died of prolonged drinking spell and cold weather.

#12 Melvin D. Hainey -1951 Caretaker, watchman, retiree. Hit and killed by a car.

#13 John B. Nash -1943 Prospector -miner. Died of exhaustion from heat and thirst.

#14 Anna M. Field -1936

First husband was Wm. Hoy. He died and she married Wm. T. Field. They sold water. She was active in church and club affairs. She donated an acre for a new school to be built at the corner of Moon Mountain and Cowell Roads. Ancestor to current Town Manager. Cause of death -coronary occlusion.

#15 William T. Field -1945 Miner, sold water. Cause of death -myocarditis

#16 Wallace L Ropp -1942 He lived in an adobe house at the old Stamp Mill. He was a cement contractor, placer miner, dug wells in Quartzsite and was in ill health for a long time. While at the U of Oklahoma he was a student, bandmaster and instructor.

#17 John N. Ropp-1951 Brother ofW. L. Ropp.

#18 John H. Gift-1977 -Veteran #19 Martha J. Gift -1967

#20 Unknown

#21 Enos B. Ring Single. Placer miner at Kuehn's Plomosa Mine. He lived in a large tunnel in the mountains. He was a very kind hearted man, refusing to kill even the smallest of insects. He took care of Mr. Keuhn's horn~ when they went on vacation.

#22 Pauline R. Brown -1948 Part Indian nationality. Her folks ran the Crossroads Cafe. Her husband killed her.

#23 Mary M. Schrader-1950 (age 26)

#24 George W. King -1933 He had Placer claims above Middle Camp. A very good Blacksmith and had a Blacksmith shop and Barber Shop adjoining the Saloon Bldg near Paul's Rock shop.

#25 Ida L Johnson -1934

#26 Fred M. Brown-1938 Originally was a logger from Oregon. Mildred Cowell's first husband, and came to Quartzsite for his health. He was a Carpenter. Died of heart attack and pulmonary TB.

#27 Frank Weber-1938 Single. Original homesteader of the Date Ranch. He raised goats and produce, was a baker, miner and rancher. As a child lived on a canal boat in Germany. Later traveled with a circus as a trapeze artist. In later years was Constable of Quartzsite. Was in poor health for many months, when he died of a self-inflected shotgun wound to head. #

#28 Ben C. Currier-1941 Single. Brother of John Currier. Lived in adobe house between the schoolhouse & Hagely's. He was a miner in the Plomosa area, sharpened tools and was quite a musician and actor along with bis brother John. Died of carcinoma of the bladder.

#29 John R. Currier-1942 Single. Brother of Ben Currier, a miner, tool sharpener, musician and actor along with his brother Ben. Died of coronary occlusion.

#30 John P. Stockmer -1948 Single. Farmer, Placer miner, bee man (hauled bees to the Kofa Mountains by white burros). When working on his well, the rope slipped while Paul Snider was hoisting him up and he fell to his death.

#31 Paul G. Schneider -1952 Originally came to Quartzsite looking for nickel with the Dutch Co. Assistant to Dr. Henry, who was the chemist for the Krupp Gun Works. In later years was the watchman at Sheep Tank Mine, assayer and miner. Cause of death -arterio sclerosis/ fracture of hip

#32 Eugene B. Hart -1956 Homesteaded in Cibola, worked for the county, was a miner, plumber and Justice of the Peace for 3 terms in Quartzsite (was known as Judge Bert Hart). Cause of death -broncho-pneumonia.

#33 Max 0. Young -1968 A machinist at Lockheed in CA. Was also a prospector in Quartzsite

#34 R. Evans Came from Northern CA. Started the Galley Restaurant. Cause of death -heart attack.

#35 Lilliam M. Gibson -1941 Wife of "Hoot" Gibson, a mechanic who started the service station at Crossroads. Killed in an automobile accident.

#36 Beulah A. Woods -1968 #37 Melvin S. Williams -1969

#38 Eugene F. Christie-1969 Owned the service station at Horn. Also did refrigeration work.

#39 C. W. Stone #40 Marie B Stone -1968 #41 Frank B. Stone-1958 #42 Annie J. Stone -1957

#43 George Trimbauer -1938 Pensioner, watchman, prospector. Lived in a cabin in back of Peterson's Trailer Park. He was a Placer Miner and for many years did shoe repair work. Died of natural causes.

#44 Kaimos -1878 #45 Joe C. Redmond -1938

#46 Mary C. Carter -1951 Wife of John Carter, sister of Billie Holly.

#47 John G. Carter-1952-Veteran Homesteaded at Cibola. Was a carpenter and shared in the construction of several public buildings in Phoenix. He was a deputy sheriff in Maricopa County and was noted for capturing Irene Schroeder -known as the "Tiger Woman" (executed for four murders in Philadelphia, Penn.) Died of internal hemorrhage /ruptured esophagus /cirrhosis of liver.

#48 Billy Holly -1962 Sister of Mary Carter.

#49 McNamara -1909 #50 Unknown #51 Unknown

#52 James Culley -1920 Miner.

#53 Benjamin F. Drennen-1931 Single. Prospector. Died of "suicide by placing Winchester rifle to forehead and pulling trigger with his big toe".

#54 Leslie G. Cowell-1955-Veteran Single. Brother of Everett Cowell. Had severe asthma as a child -one of the reasons his parents came to Quartzsite. He was a miner, trapper, auto mechanic and worked for the Highway Dept. Died a young man -was found dead in bed from cardiac failure (massive pulmonary infarction).

#55 Margaret M. James -1960 Wife of Jessie James, mother of Everett and Leslie Cowell. After Jessie died she inherited his section of land where 4 corners is today. She sold that portion for $500.

#56 Felix Walter-1912

#57 John J. Cummings -1918 An old muleskinner. In 1904 purchased the Oasis Hotel and took in Jo Johnson as a partner. He was a very sick man -thought to have tuberculosis.

#58 Charlie Bacon -1911 -Veteran Single. Lived at New Water Springs. Was a pensioner, explorer, ex-soldier with General Crook and raised goats (100).

#59 Harry Stineman -1935 A cobbler by trade. Worked at the store and Post Office for Wm. Scott. Served as Justice of Peace at Swansea. Returned to Quartzsite and was run over by a car and killed.

#60 Solomon W. Pease -1929 Studied for ministry and law at college in Ma,ss. Became a miner, staking out 32 placer claims. He raised figs, pomegranates and grapes. Hi Jolly's Pyramid was built with Solomon and his wife, Mary Isabel's, help. He was noted for digging artesian wells.

#61 Mary Isabel Pease -1941 Wife of Solomon. She made the trip to Quartzsite from Congress Junction by burro team -it took five days in 1902. She had the original idea to have a pyramidal monument made to Hi Jolly.

#62 Unknown #63 Baby Prichard #64 Porter Laird -1909

#65 Pete Miller -1905 Owned a saloon, was a carpenter and mason. Ill with TB.

#66 John H. Williams -1915 #67 Jose M. Sias -1883 #68 John Kerr -1971

#69 Al Aplington -1964 Owner of Southern Cross Group of mining claims.

#70 Dave P. Spangler -1962 Mrs. Ted Griffin's grandson.

#71 David J. Scott -1970 Manager of the Scott's Saloon , grocer store and Shell station. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Scott.

#72 Joseph G. Scott -1968 The son ofW.E. and Angelita Scott, he was a Mechanic, miner and gas station attendant. Took care of the windmills and vehicles that needed repair in the garage next to Scott's Store.

#73 Ruth 0. Scott-1968 -Joseph's Wife #74 Irene M. Scott -1964 -David's Wife

#75 Angela (Angelita) G. Scott -1966 Wife of Wm. E. Scott. She had 12 children -two died in infancy. She was known as the town healer. She mined, ran the family cattle business and kept the grocery and bar business going after Wm. died. When she was 81 yrs old she would spend weekends on her mine, picking, shoveling and hauling rock in boxes. Her son Jesse would pick her up and bring her home where she would grind the rock and pan for gold on her back porch.

#76 William E. Scott -1933 Came to Quartzsite in 1894. A miner, prospector, rancher, barber and after buying a pair of forceps, was the town's. first dentist. Was Postmaster of , Quartzsite from 1909 to 1914. Opened a grocery store, blacksmith shop, feed store, board and batten, butcher shop and Shell gas station. Was a carpenter and built pine boxes for anyone with a death in the family. He built Hi Jolly's pine box.

#77 Rosie Scott "Baby Rosie" -1916 #78 Baby William Scott "Baby William" -1899 #79 Jose Ruiz

#80 Charles V. Kuehn -1930 Came to Quartzsite at age 7 with his mother Victoria Kuehn and 2 brothers. He worked for his uncle Mike Welz in his store. Charley took over the store and post office and ran it until it washed away in the great flood of 1919. He was Postmaster from 1914 to 1923. Died of chronic pulmonary TB.

#81 Amos C. Sapp -1923 Was the husband ofAmelia Hagely. Worked on the railroad at Swansea and was also Deputy Sheriff at Swansea until the mine closed. He became ill with typhoid fever and died.

#82 Anton Hagely -1928 A butcher, Father ofJudge George Hagely. Built the Hagely Store and Antone's Hay and Grain in 1893. Cause of death -diabetes.

#83 Felipe Martinez -1938 Prospector and Miner. Died of natural causes.

#84 Costaqio R. Martinez-1936 Single. Brother of Felipe Martinez. Prospector and miner.

#85 Unknown #86 Josepha Rodriquez -1908 #87 Thomas Martinez -1904

#88 Elsie M. Kuehn -1963 Wife of Fred Kuehn. (First husband Sam Wilson). She came to Quartzsite in 1911, played the piano for church activities, wrote for the Palo Verde Times and was correspondent for the Sun. She served as deputy county clerk in Quartzsite for many years.

#89 Viktoria Hagely (Viktoria Kuehn Hagely)-1940 She came to Quartzsite in 1893 with her three sons-William, Charles and Fred (Kuehn) to help out her uncle Mike Welz. After she married Anton Hagely, she had three more children...,.. George (Judge Hagely), Theresa and Emelie. She ran the Hagely Hotel with her husband Antone Hagely.

#90 Martinez (Infant) 1906 #91 Martines (Infant-twins) 1903 #92 Unknown "Known Only To God"

#93 Francisco C. Dias -1902 Placer Miner.

#94 Harry L Judd -1933 Single. Placer Miner in the Plomosas. Ship carpenter. Died of natural causes.

#95 Frederick E. Blakeley -1934 #96 Ada K. Giffin -1972 #97 Bernard Helwig-1972 -Veteran #98 Calvin G. Griffin -1977-Veteran

Mechanic and automotive repairman.

#99 Thomas G. Scott-1977-Veteran Youngest son of Wm. And Angelita Scott. He helped with the cattle ranch.

#100 Mildred H. Cowell-1978 First husband was Fred Brown. After he died she married Clarion J. Cowell. She came to Quartzsite for her first husband's health.

#101 John George Hagely-1977-Veteran Born in Quartzsite in the Stage station. He became Justice of the Peace and was elected to eight terms. He became known as the "Marrying Judge" claiming he had married over 37,000 couples during his career. The District Court was in his home.

#102 Fred V. Kuehn 1978 Fred was born on the voyage to America from Germany. At age 11 he became a freighter, hauling freight from the Hagely Store in Quartzsite to Congress Junction and on to Yuma. He was also a teen-age "Pony Express" rider. In 1912 he got the franchise for a telephone line from Quartzsite to the railroad at Bouse. Fred put up the line himself on cottonwood poles. In 1912 he was appointed Deputy and Constable and held that position for 42 years -retiring in 1954.

#103 Unknown (Unknown location) #104 Robert D Greenlee -Veteran #105 Robert D. Lambeth Sr. -1978 #106 Lowell L. Williams-1978-Veteran #107 Clifford P. Bain-1979-Veteran

#108 Phillip G. Scott -1980 The son ofW.E. An Angela Scott, Phil worked with contractors on US Highway6 60 -70 and other highway construction sites around Quartzsite.

#109 Alicia Duckett -1980 #110 Lou Larkins (unknown location) #111 M. Leone Scott-1980

Wife of Phillip Scott.

#112 Everett J. Cowell Sr. -1975-Veteran Worked for the State Highway Dept. -Maintenance division. He was a miner and contractor. Started a rock shop and made jewelry for many years. He acquired desert acreage in Quartzsite and sold it. The QIA Civic Center stands on a nine-acre parcel that he sold. Second and Third# generations of Cowells still live in Quartzsite.

#113 Clarion J. Cowell-1990 He was 16 when he came to Quartzsite and worked herding cattle for the Scotts .. and for his grandfather; Soloman, in the mines. He worked as an airplane mechanic, and had a three-man row boat that he charged 25 cents to row people across the Colorado River before the bridge was built. During WWII he worked for the Civil Service on Military planes and after the war he built and sold crop duster planes. He was instrumental in getting the State Highway Dept to provide the plaque for Hi Jolly's tomb.

#114 Joseph F. Cone-1971-Veteran Known as the "man who wore skirts in summer". He was a philosopher, woodworker, a wise and loyal friend, a deckhand on sailing ships and had long gray hair tied back with ribbon. Known as "Nature Boy", he was a local landmark. He made his home from a depression in the side of the mountain, digging into the mountain side for its rooms and walls. His second home was built above ground with the sides in intricate rock work.

#115 John Woods -1925 (unknown location) Drilled water wells, prospector. Died on his claim.

#116 Jesse G. Scott-1911 -2004 Jesse was a welder for the Southern PF. Railroad for 37 yrs. He helped Ben with the cattle round up, tending to the windmills and other work on the Scott's Ranch. He was also a prospector, cattle man, storekeeper, pool hall proprietor, barber, master craftsman, financier, sportsman, historian, humorist and avid wrestling fan. He loved music, singing and dancing.

#117 Benedict G. Scott-1993-Veteran

The son of W.E. and Angelita, he helped his mother Angelita with the cattle

business and continued after his mother's death. He worked riding the very

large range of the Scott Ranch. Riding from the Lead Well windmill, south to what is now called LaPaz, then east to the last windmill up in the Kofas.

#118 Edna F. Gray-Scott -1986 (Memorial only) Wife of William G. Scott. #119 William G. Scott -1988 (Memorial only) Son of W .E. and Angelita Scott. #120 Mildred F. Hazelwood-Polloreno -1998 Granddaughter of Angelita G. Scott. #121 Betty Nichols

#122 George W. "Buck" Conner-1947 -Veteran As one of Quartzsite's more colorful pioneers, Buck was an actor, writer, pilot, minister and above all a veteran. He built an airstrip in Quartzsite for WWII pilots to land safely. He also built the first church in town -The Little Church Beside the Road. Along with his young son, George II, they were exhumed from behind the Best Mexican Restaurant and interred into the Pioneer Section of Hi Jolly Cemetery 5/30/2008.

#123 George W. Conner II -1932 The young son of George Sr., he was 4 yrs old when he died of Froehlich Syndrome/ bronchitis and pneumonia. The Little Church Beside the Road was built and dedicated to him. He was also exhumed and interred into the Pioneer Section of Hi Jolly Cemetery along with his father -Buck Conner 5/30/2008.

#124 James Marbles -77-81

The Cemetery is operated by the Town of Quartzsite. Any additional information regarding the history of Quartzsite or its Pioneers that can be shared, would be greatly appreciated and can be dropped off at the Quartzsite Library or Museum.

For more information on the Pioneers and History of Quartzsite, contact the Quartzsite Public Library at 465 N Plymouth Ave. or the Tyson's Well Stage Station Museum at 161 W. Main, Quartzsite, AZ. 85346

The main Cemetery to the left ofthe Pioneer Cemetery has burials dating back to early 1960s and is interesting in its own right.

There have been: major changes as to added acreage, plantings; landscaping, and documentation. The on-going progress of the Cemetery is to add a cremation wall, Veterans Memorial area, paving the parking lot and putting in an access road off ofKofa Ave.

Cemetery Board meetings are held the first Monday of every month from 3 :00PM to 4:00PM. at the Quartzsite Library on 465 N Plymouth Ave. The public is invited.

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