Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

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Class of 1988 Commencement Program.

William S. Hart High School.

Tordy John Acker Alfonso M. Aguilar Daryl Byron Allison Alejandro Alvarez Irma Arechiga Rigoberto Arechiga Zulema Y. Ayala Kerry Ann Baker Michele L. Barber * * Joshua J. Barlow
Michelle Dawn Barnett Shannon Lynn Barr Eddie Barth John Charles Bauccio Michele Bausley Michael Andrew Beale Denyelle M. Beam-Ganshirt Jeffrey Ronald Beck Phillip Edward Beck Stephanie Belcher Allen Vincent Bellith Todd Brandon Bellows * Matthew Kevin Beltran Scott Alan Belz Lawrence Jewel Bennett Chad Jonathan Best Jennifer Dawn Best
Carmella Camille Blackwell Stuart Crichton Blair III John Paul Blanchard James Charles Blowers Michael Edward Bober Cynthia Rae Boutsen Christina Diane Bragdon * * Philip Richard Briones Tracy Brocato Michelle Ida Bronson Christopher Charles Brooks Christopher S. Brown Gary Kirk Brown Tanya Marie Brown Shannon Erin Bruce Charlene Dawn Bruhn Timothy Patrick Brundage Danielle Veronica Bueno Michele Ann Bugbee Alicia Stephanie Bullock ** John Robert Durtsche Angelique Rene Byrd Taira M. Byrne
Wendy Cherie Cafferky Geraldine Joy Caldwell David Mathew Call * Tracy Ann Call Troy David Carlson Matthew Carpenter Tracey Jane Carr Michelle Serena Carrasco Mark Edward Casterline Marelisa E. Cedeno Michelle Rene Cesena Deborah Lu-San Chan

James John Chapin Elizabeth Nancy Charron Antoinette Rose Cicerello Durressa A. Cirincione James Bradley Clemmer * Debra Denise Cleworth Natalie Jean Coleman Audrey Lynn Collins Mary Meaghan Connors Scott Clinton Cook Peter Joseph Cop Daniel T. Coughlin Shannon Lynne Daley * Thomas S. Dam Todd Owen Daniels Ronald Eugene Daub, Jr. Rachael Y. Davis
Geoffrey Aaron Dean David John DeCoster Richard Edward Del Valle Christopher T . Demos Lisa Ann Denise Anthony James Denogean Joseph Alan DeSchryver Gerri Leigh Deutschman Manon Marie deVeritch Kimberly M. Diamond Dean Glen Dill Todd Stuart Dodge Nancy Elizabeth Dotson Brenda Jean Drake Robert Craig Drake Melinda Driggs Diane Elizabeth Dulmage Kaylene Maree Dunkerley Jennifer Nicole Dupuis
Yvette Suzanne Duty Shaun Dereck Dyer Regina D. Earl Celes Anne Eckerman * * Suzanne Lorraine Eckert * Jason Farrell Elliott Jennifer Michelle Erickson Zelma E. Escudero William Brent Esmond, Jr. Catherine Denise Esterline David Joseph Evangelisti Edgar Hamilton Fallin ** Mark Douglas Felan Jane Elizabeth Fiedler * Leigh Ellen Fiedler Michael Robert Fischer Helice Dawn Fisher Erin Nicole Fitzpatrick Kelly Jean Fleming Jordana Lynn Fogan ** Jeannette Marie Fogg Pamela Ann Foley Jerry Steven Ford Todd Scott Ford Lisa Kerstin Forssell **
Charles Leon Foster Theresa Marie Fox Diane Christine Fredricks Erick William Freeman Carrie Allison Freet Kenneth Robert Froelich Andrea Laurie' Fukumoto

Alan Pagmanua Fulgencio Joan Carmel Fullmer AnneMarie Gadd Kevin Michael Gannon Patrick Anthony Garbutt Cynthia Renee Garcia Johanna Garcia Marie Fernanda Garcia Maribel Garcia Robert Michael Gardner Ami Noelle Gereb ** Lauren Kelly Gidlow Ellen Marie Gildersleeve Robert Scott Ginn Daniel Robert Glenn Brian T. Glickman Valerie A. Godefroy Mary Helen Gonzalez ** Dionicio Gordillo Angela Lynn Gorski
Bruce Allen Gray _ Christine Paula Grech Steven Layne Grice Anna Margaret Griffin Jenni Griffiths Tricia Lynn Grimes Jaimi Richelle Grindle Michael Christopher Gubelli
Senior Counselors
Gerald Thon Peggy Stabile

Nicole Marie Gukynski Stephanie Lynn Haas Timothy Michael Haddock Kimberly Anne Haendle Bernard Henry Hafkamp Shannon R. Hall Heather Ann Hallford Elizabeth Anne Halliday Pamela D . Hamilton
Jeffrey Stephen Harms James Alan Harper John Gary Harris Christopher Len Harvey Christine Diane Hauser Diane Jolene Hawkins Matthew Norman Heidt Pamela A. Hermes Bryan John Herta
Bryan W. Heuer Heather Anne Hill * Kathleen Mary Hill David Alan Hilliard Darren Frank Hinman Jesse J. Hinojosa Stacey Raquel Hite Ted Christopher Hogan Scott Clark Holden Brian Lee Hollingworth Rex Gerald Horney Rebecca J. Hotchkiss Gary Kevin Howard Leslie Ann Howe
Nikole Lee Hoyer Bryan Jay Hummitzsch Lisa'. Ann Humphries * Laurell Hunt Lisa Medina Hurtado Paul Edward Huskey Michael Wayne Hutchinson Dane Mitchel Ilario Gabriela Pantoja Infante
Maria J . Infante
Nicole Anne Inskeep
Keilene Kaori Izumi
Raymond Allen Jackson
Brian Patrick Jacobs
Collette Denise Jacobus **
Sandra Lee Jenkins *
Robert William Jensen **
Debi Dolores Johnson
Kelly Melissa Johnson
Brenda Shauna Jolley Christine Jones **
Jacquelyn Lee Joslen
Robert J. Kacmar
Dennis Allen Kajihara

Jennifer Lynn Kampmeyer Rosemarie Annette Karl * Darrin Joseph Kellaris David Charles Kelly Montgomery Towson Kemp Keith William Kennedy Kevin M. Keogh Valerie A. Kinsfather Lisa Elizabeth Kirkland Tammy Suzanne Kohl Stephanie Elena Krapf * Danielle Jacqueline Kruger Dimitrio Kuchtyn Elizabeth Lenore Kush Angelica Maria Landeros Lisa Ann Lane Alex Daniel Lange Brian Nelson Lanning Virna Bellaleth Lanza Heather Larkins Jennifer Lori Larson Lara Marie Lawrence Jeffrey S. LeValley

Dee Anna LeVang Sun T. Lee Jason Derek Leggitt *'" Amy Joanne Lent-Koop Laura Lynn Lepken Carrie Jodi Levin Jennifer Jane Levy Tracie Lynn Limbrecht Cheryl D. Logian Jason Mario Lombardo Randy Allen Long Mark A. Lopez Robert Daniel Lord Karen Debra Lorraine Andrew Lane Machado Tamara Sue Machgan Joy Elan Mackey
William John MacLeod Michael Eric Madison Jodi Ann Maghakian Michael James Mahoney Randolph Scott Maizland Susan Majstorich Walter Ernesto Mangandi Wendi Sue Manwaring Jaimee Beth Maraldo Melinda Margaret Marek David James Marks Natali Diane Marmion Kimberly Shaun Marrero Brian Steven Martin Carolyn Jean Martin James Glyn Martin Gabriel Castro Martinez Martine Krista Masoner Ghazaleh Massoudnia Traci Lynn Mathis Christopher Alan Matkin Melissa M. Mattei Geoffrey Charles Mayne Enrique Ortiz Mendoza, Jr.
Stacie Ann Mickel Michael Lee Milburn Jan J. Min Gregory Sean Mitchell Lonny Joe Mitchell Jodie Leigh Mixa Steven Eugene Moeder Nerissa S. Montebon Michael Patrick Moore Michael A. Moreno Elizabeth Ann Morin Keith Blake Moring John Anthony Morino Dwight Edward Moulton Erika Alida Mouradian Dawn Marie Mowery
Christopher E. Mullins Michael Geoffrey Murphy Larry McClements Kimberly Annette McDonald Jan Marie McGlothlin John Michael McGrath Robert Paul McGuire-Davis Kayla Katherine McKernan Peter Christopher McKillip Nicole Ann McMath Johnny Y. Nagasawa James Nelson Neil Donna Michelle Nelms Kelly Michael Newell Elizabeth Nivon Guinevere Anna Noland Michelle Monik Norwood Dina Marie Oakes Kimberly Anne O'Brien Jonathan Mark Ohlrich
Jason Lee Olds Dawn Marie Olson

Kristen Shawn Padgett * Christian Jehiel Padilla Carlos Rodolfo Paiz Donald John Patti * Richard James Pauley Dean Steven Petrequin Janna Lea Phillippi Jennifer Leigh Phillips Michael Robert Phillips Victoria Tish Pine Jeffery Haywood Piper Jodi Lynn Plank John Andrew Platt Paul David Poduska
Valarie Jean Poe Holly L. Polen Marc Philip Polizzi Derrick Michael Pollock Lori Ann Pomeranz Maria Helene Prado * * Karen Marie Prange Catherine Janice Pratt * Gary Paul Provenzano ** Adolfo Moreno Quiles Peter Douglas Quinlan Kristen Lea Raffety Christopher Todd Rainey
Cynthia Gonzales Ramirez Laura Rochelle Ramos * * Parisa Razavi Kevin Edward Redd Timothy Robert Reisick Debora Charlotte Rendall Darren Keith Renfro Julie Ann Reynolds Heather Lynn Riddell Lorraine Gail Ridenour * * Melani Rieg ** Kristin Marie Riendeau Stephanie Leigh Rioux Brian Ray Robinson Melissa Robison James Ward Roche Jon Joseph Rocke Jesus Roberto Rodriguez Mark Shaw Rogerson Marisela Romero Kathryn Ann Rose Alex Sander Rouse
Brent Louis Rowley Nichole Tonia Royer Michael Tamez Rubio Eric Brian Ruge Christopher Steven Ruhland Cindy Lee Ryan Deeawn Renee Saari Connie Sue Sabo Michael Alard Saelens Nicole Therese Samuels ** Darren Richard Sanchez Teresa Cecilia Santana Rebecca Jean Santos John Patrick Saxton Jonathan David Schaeffer Michael Jared Scherm Jamie Van Schlesinger Christine Tara Schmeidel Joseph Gary Schreier Michelle Claudyne .Sebek Brian Phillip Serazio Maria Kathryn Serras Nina R. Shah ** Katherine Alice Sharar David Carl Sharp **
Payam Shayan James Edward Shields Sean N. Siefert Michelle Renee Silva DarrPn Russell Simpson

Rachel Anne Sindermann Loraine Marie Slocombe Jeffery Allan Smestad Clifford Alden Smith Dean James Smith Tyler Earl Smurr Jesse R. Snyder Myung Jun Song Denise Francine Spargur Darral Lee Spurgeon, Jr.
Rosemarie Spykerman lulia Georgia Stabisevschi Jennifer Ann Stafford Suzanne E. Stavich
William Augustus Stenzel Rosemary Christina Stevens Charisse Helene Strickland Christopher Anthony Swailes Christopher Kennedy Sweeney Deborah Ann Sykes * * Lynn Ann Szambelan * * Katherine Yana Tantoy Rhonda Lee Terhune
Cynthia Ingrid Theuer Kevin N. Thomas Lisa Marie Thomas Evan Robert Thomason Kimberly Ann Thompson **
Patrick Anthony Thy Henry Tort Pietro Tresca III Timberly Marie Trevor Jeffery Emmett Trogan Tracy Wynette Troxell * John W. Tyner Stephen Arthur Valenzuela Thomas Scott Van Arsdale Stacy Lynn Veale ** Shaun Christopher Vejar Joseph Anthony Ventittelli Steven Michael Verdekel Cynthia Kay Vergets
Hayley Ann Vilensky Tamara Lynn Villasenor Karilyn Bernice Voss * * Marissa Ellen Wadsworth * Theresa Ann Wankel Candee Marie Ward Sandra Lee Warner Rebecca Lynn Watters
Jason Robert Way Galen Luc Weaver Susan Anne Webster Luke Weiss David Eugene Whaley Craig Laurence Whitten Pamela Ann Wigfield Craig Mitchell Wiggins Donna Marie Wilksen Frank Harold Williams Jody Lynne Williams Lori Lynn Williams Christine Lorraine Wilson Kerry Lee Wilson Kimberlee Ann Wilson Gary James Wiseman Vincent Theodore Wojcik Steven Charles Woods Sidney Keith Woolstenhulme Laura Kathleen W.-ight
Grace Yazgulian Kristen Therese Yeates Crystal Marie Young * Paul Jason Young Keri Michele Younkers Elvia Olivia Zavala Melissa Allison Zidle Jason Scott Ziemba ** Richard Louis Zuccari

California Scholarship Federation Life Members, gold honor tassels * California Scholarship Federation 100% Membership, gold honor stoles **
Dr. Hamilton C. Smyth, District Superintendent Mr. Daniel Hanigan, Assistant Superintendent Mr. Donald Jerry, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent Mr. Joseph Andrews, Director of Personnel Dr. James Bown, Director of Support Services Dr. Gary Wexler, Coordinator of Curriculum Mr. Morris Lechtick, Supervisor-Vocational & Career Education Mrs. Louise Robertson, Supervisor-Federal & State Projects Mr. William Maddigan, Director of Business & Fiscal Services

Mr. Dennis King, President Mrs. Sandra L. Loberg, Clerk Ms. Clara J. Stroup, Ass't. Clerk Mr. Wm. S. Dinsenbacher, Member Mr. Gerald H. Heidt, Member


Baker, Ruth Keil, Paul Schirmer, John Barr, Joel Kirby, Martin Scott, Rick Basey, Dale Klinger, David Searby, Joyce Beauer, William Lacy, Maria Seely, James Born, Gary Leathers, Nancy Seifert, Donna Borruel, Timothy Leth, Tom Sharpe, Valarie Calzia, Peter Lewis, Barbara Sheggrud, Jerry Carey, April Lopez, Karen Shenberger, Jill Cheek, Patricia Louis, Richard Sinclair, Heather Daly, Patricia Love, Steven Sindermann, Dianne DeGroote, Gwen Lund, Dianna Smith, B.J. Deloria, Terri Lund, Donald Smith, Bonita Doornwaard, Sherry Mansfield, Chris Smith, Elsie Feuerhelm, Jane Mc Fadyen, Eva Spindt, Gary Flaherty, Coleen Mercado, Mario Stabile, Peggy Ford, Dennis Michelson, Douglas Stark, Dorothy Garner, John Moring, Carla Starr, Judy Grande, Anthony Morley, Robert Strauss, Laurence Guho, Mary Ann Moskal, Katherine Thomas-Kay, Therese Hagan, Shirlee Munroe, David Thon, Gerald Hall, David Murray, Bud Thornton, Larry Henricks, Robert Neale, Steve Tong, Jeanne Herrick, Gregory Newbauer, Scott Vincent, Nancy Herrington, Michael Newman, Gary Walker, Pamela Hinman, Gary Panama, Craig Warren, Debra Holden, Teresa Peckham, Linda Weekley, Richard Honadel, M. Jeannie Pepo, Mike Weil, Al Honnen, Charles Pew, Peter Williams, Val Huenink, Lori Phillips, Marilyn Wisdom, King Hughes, Bill Roland, Dean Wolter, Elsie Hunt, Rosemary Rose, Anthony Jolley, Robert Salazar, Juliet

Kayla Arnold Hilary Larkins Jennifer Schreiber Jenine Brown Jill Lieberman Shannon Schreier Melissa Didrickson Cindy Medearis Krystyn Stivers Melanie Feeley Cindy Obsenares Kellie Stockdale Nicole Fox Monica Ohlman Alison Thatcher Julie Harbison Kate Parkin Kirsten Thomsen Lisa Jaubert Desa Pecel Linda Tosetti Melissa Jirele Stacy Pointer Kim Waters Susanne Justice Gina Reddy Nicole Weber Kim Kenzel Erin Riner Danielle Wood Kelly Kepplinger Michelle Rocke
A is for B is for C is for D is for E is for F is for G is for H is for I is for J is for K is for L is for M is for N is for O is for P is for Q is for R is for S is for
Attendance Letters . Applications for Jobs and College Beauer's Baseball Bat . Beach Day
Closed Campus candy Sales c.o.c. Dianna and Don . Donut Runs
Excuses Fund Raisers
Gates (usually locked)
Homecoming In 'n Out
June 22

Kilograms Kirby Keil
Late Night with Letterman
Mini Trucks . McDonald's .Magic Mountain
Notes from Mommy
Oakleys . Opportunity Class .Off-Campus Passes
Parking Permits
Quake '87

Rallies...Roland's Retirement...Redskin Regiment
SAT's...Sarge...Snow Day...Stock Projects
T is for Tardy Lockouts ..Thornton Hall
u is for Unexcused Absences
V is for Victories...Volleyball ...Volunteering for Blood Drives
W is for Winchell's ..Wooden Paddle Passes.. Westwood
X is for x-tra School Day
y is for "Young Adults"
Z is for Zuma

SENIORS Lisa Forssell Christina Bragdon Jan McGlothlin Jordana Fogan Celes Eckerman Deborah Chan Jennifer Levy Edgar Fallin Geoffrey Mayne
Nicole Samuels Gary Provenzano Christopher Matkin Karilyn Voss Stacy Veale
Collette Jacobus
Rosemarie Karl
Catherine Pratt Laura Ramos Michele Barber Amy Lent-Koop David Sharp
Donald Patti Michael Phillips Melani Rieg

Colin Saunders Michael Amelang Arik Florimonte Kristina Freund Stephen Thomas Brenda Kosma Carolyn Hanigan Frank Butterfield Linda Han Hartwell Ashley Raymond Gardocki Andrea Pusl Leslie Vradenburg Matthew Johnson Kristina Koonce
Carrie Krumrei
Stephen Brown
Shaan Blanchard Eric Van Bezooijen John Forsyth James Hull Kelley Dos Santos Jason Knight


PREWDE...Hart Concert Band
"Ventura" R. Rodriguez Student Director: Lisa Humphries "Jubilations" J. Spears

"Pomp and Circumstance" by Edward Elgar

WELCOME...Mr. Laurence K. Strauss, Principal Christine Hauser, Class President
It is requested that the audience remain seated throughout the rest of the ceremony so as to contribute to the dignity of this event honoring the Class of 1988.
COMMENCEMENT ADDRESSES... .Jodi Maghakian Rachel Sindermann
HART'S HONOR SCHOLARS ... Mrs. Peggy Stabile
AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS... Board of Trustees
Board Members Presenting Diplomas
Mr. Gerald Heidt Mrs. Sandra Loberg
District Representatfre
Mr. Donald Jerry

Student Readers

Christine Hauser, President of the Class of '88 Theresa Fox, President of the Student Body Fall of '87I 88
Faculty Assistants:

Faculty Representative -Mr. King Wilsdom
Advisors of Class '88 -Mr. Tim Borruel -Mr. Scott Newbauer


All hail Hart High, all hail to thee, we're loyal and true. Though we wander far from home, we'll always cherish you. We bless your name, your praise proclaim, together and apart. Honestly, you'll always be our own sweet Hartl
RECESSIONAL... Hart Concert Band "Bravura March" C.E. Duble
Cover by Steven Grice

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