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Response to Caltrans Project Proposal:

Temporary Traffic Signal System at Chiquito Canyon Road.

Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society
Post Office Box 221925
Newhall, CA 91322

October 12, 2020

Dustin Kay, B.S. Associate Environmental Planner, Archaeology
California Department of Transportation District 7
100 S. Main Street, Suite 100, MS 16A Los Angeles, CA 90012

Re: LA-126 PM 2.37 Temporary Traffic Signal System at Chiquito Canyon Road

Dear Mr. Kay:
This is in response to your letter of September 23, 2020, to the Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society (encl.). As you may know, the proposed project is in the same location as a previous Caltrans project that necessitated the relocation and reburial of human remains from a cemetery that yielded 45 interments dating to approx. 2000-1630 YBP, and the management of numerous Native American cultural materials and archaeological features.
Our chief concern is the potential for further disturbance of CA-LAN-2233, CA-LAN-2234 and CALAN-2235; and disturbance of any human remains and/or Native American cultural materials and features not yet encountered. We encourage you to consult with the Fernandeo-Tataviam Band of Mission Indians throughout each project phase; and to retain the services of the appropriate cultural and archaeological monitors.
For background, refer to the work by the late Georgie Waugh, et al., that emanated from the previous Caltrans project: "Prehistory of the Transverse Ranges of California: An Archaeological Investigation in the Santa Clara River Valley," Archaeological Research Center, California State University, Sacramento (2003).
In addition, the proposed project lies in the floodpath of the 1928 St. Francis Dam Disaster. In the event historical materials are encountered, please contact the Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society. I can be reached by email at
Leon Worden
Vice President, Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society
cc: Rudy Ortega Jr., Chairman, Fernande-Tataviam Band of Mission Indians

DISTRICT 7, Division of Environmental Planning
PHONE (213)897-9016
FAX (213) 897-0685

September 23, 2020

Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society
Dr. Allan Pollack, President
P.O. Box 221925 Newhall,CA 91322

Dear Dr. Pollack,

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) proposes to install a temporary traffic signal system along a segment of State Route 126 (SR-126) at post mile (PM) 2.73 in Los Angeles County, California (see attached map for specific location). Caltrans proposes to install a temporary traffic signal system at the intersection of SR-126 and Chiquito Canyon Road, modify the existing pavement delineation, and connect the permanent power supply line from Southern California Edison (SCE). The scope of the project consists of the following improvements:

- Install traffic signal system using wood poles augured 11-feet below original ground surface and span wires at Chiquito Canyon Road intersection.
- Modify the existing pavement delineation.
- Connect the permanent power supply by trenching 60 feet of conduit to a depth of approximately 30-inchesfi*om SCE.

The purpose of these improvements is to reduce thefi*equency and severity of accidents, particularly broadside collisions at the intersection of SR-126 and Chiquito Canyon Road. The temporary signals will provide the right-of-way to motorists in situations where gaps within the traffic stream are not available.
Caltrans is conducting a study of potential impacts to historical resources as a result of the proposed project, as required imder the California Environmental Quality Act. As such, we are seeking information from potentially interested parties, such as your organization. Caltrans would appreciate any input you may provide regarding the presence of potential or known historical resources within the project location and/or immediate vicinity. Early identification of historical resources will ensure their consideration and protection to the maximum extent feasible.
If you know of any historical resources that could be impacted by the proposed project, or if you would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at or by phone at (213) 335-0015. GPA Consulting has been tasked with preparing the historical resources study for the project. If you know of any historical resources that could be impacted by the proposed project, or if you would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Emily Rinaldi at or by phone at (310) 792-2690 extension 126.
If you would like to comment on the proposed project as it relates to historical resources, we would appreciate your response by no later than November 6,2020 so that your comments can be included in our study.


Enclosure: Project Location Map

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