Newhall Chamber of Commerce:
Minutes of 10-31-1923 Board Meeting.
ORGANIZED FEB. 21, 1923.
[1923 Chamber Index]
Newhall, Calif. October 31, 1923.
Special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Newhall Chamber of
Commerce called to order at 8.15 P.M. in the Masonic Club Room by President Swall.
Directors Swall, Pilcher, Harker, Anderson, Miller, Lamkin,
Doty and Thibaudeau present.
President Swall reported that there was a possibility of getting the
Highway Commission to pave Spruce street to the curb line and the following resolution was
unanimously passed and the Secretary instructed to forward a copy of same to the Commission. —
WHEREAS, the town of Newhall (an unincorporated community) is traversed
by the State Highway over which an enormous amount of traffic passes each day; and
WHEREAS, the highway at this point is not wide enough to give free
passage of this through traffic, together with the local traffic; and
WHEREAS, Newhall is not in a financial position to remedy this
condition; and
WHEREAS, it is believed that this condition could be eliminated, to
a very large extent, by the continuation of the present pavement to the curb line on each side;
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that this Board of Directors of the Newhall Chamber of Commerce,
in regular meeting assembled, do humbly petition the Honorable Members of the California
Highway Commission to take this matter under consideration, and, if possible, widen the
paved highway to the curb line, from the railway crossing on the South to the bridge on the
North, all of which is in the conjested portion of the Town of Newhall.
P.C. Miller reported that money would not be available, before next
March, for purchasing fire apparatus.
It was decided that a letter be written to Superintendent Whallen
of the Southern Pacific Company, asking that the crossing at the depot be kept open.
A report from engineer Smith was read but no action was taken in
regard to the water question.
Meeting adjourned to usual time and place.
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