Newhall Chamber of Commerce:
Minutes of 3-30-1923 Board Meeting.
ORGANIZED FEB. 21, 1923.
[1923 Chamber Index][Next Meeting]
Newhall, Calif. March 30, 1923.
Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Newhall Chamber of Commerce
called to order at 8:30 P.M. in Masonic Hall by Chairman Swall.
Directors Harker, Swall, Carr, Anderson, Miller, Pilcher, Lamkin,
McMannus, Doty and Thibaudeau present.
Discussion about points of interest on a trip through Newhall on
Rodeo Day.
Suggested by Carr that the business men be asked to decorate the town
during the Rodeo.
Suggested by Pilcher that an election be held to select a Queen of
the Rodeo and that the picture of the successful candidate and also a story of Newhall be
published in the Los Angeles Times two or three days before the rodeo.
The following Special Committees were appointed —
Queen Contest — Bob Anderson, Chairman, others to be
selected by him.
Decoration — Duties to arrange with all business places
to decorate on Rodeo Day and also to investigate the cost of having the town decorated, either
by renting or buying the decorations, report to be made at next regular meeting. R.R. Carr, Chairman
assisted by Fred Lamkin.
Street Signs — W.H. McMannus and A.C. Swall.
Removal of Trees — P.C. Miller.
The following Standing Committees were appointed —
Expansion — A.C. Swall, Chairman; J.W. Doty, W.J. Purrucker,
R.F. Woodard and P.C. Miller.
Duties, to investigate each manufacturing and industrial proposition
offered to the Town. To investigate the potential possibilities of Newhall for new enterprise
and settlement.
Publicity — A.B. Perkins, Chairman; Blanche B. Brown,
R.C. Gibson, Mrs. A.B. Perkins and Mrs. Marie Logan.
Duties, to carry out a definite campaign for bringing Newhall to the
attention of tourists and Angelenos and work out an inexpensive advertising campaign to attract
new residents.
Fire Protection — P.C. Miller, Chairman; H.W. Bricker,
J.W. Harker, Wm. Mayhue and J.R. Moore.
Duties, to cooperate with the County and State Fire Organizations,
to devise means of fire protection for Newhall and to handle all matters pertaining to fire
Civic Improvements — W.H. McMannus, Chairman; Leo Logan,
A.H. Wilkie, Mrs. A.C. Swall and Mrs. Julia Young.
Duties, to include such civic work as new street signs and posts,
to work with the County Board of Supervisors for the curbing and laying of concrete sidewalks
along the boulevard.
School Conference — R.R. Carr, Chairman; Mrs. Harker,
Mrs. Lamkin, Mrs. McMannus and D.Q. Bowman.
Duties, to advance and further improvements and make our school second
to none.
Juvenile Welfare — Mrs. A.G. Thibaudeau, Chairman; Mrs.
Pearle B. Russell, Mrs. Evangeline Frew, W.J. Purrucker and T.M. Frew Jr.
Duties, to actively work with the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or Camp Fire
Girls for higher citizenship.
Cleanup — W.H. Evans, Chariman assisted by the Boy Scouts.
Duties, to see that the town is kept in a sanitary and clean condition
and to arrange for special cleanup days.
Social Welfare —
W.H. McMannus, Chairman, representing Chamber of Commerce.
Mrs. D. Hixenbaugh, representing Catholic Altar Society.
Mrs. A.H. Wilkie, representing Christian Endeavor Society.
Mrs. Evangeline Frew, representing Ladies Aid Society.
Mrs. R.F. Woodard, representing Parent-Teachers Association.
Mrs. P.C. Miller, representing Womans Club.
J.S. Pilcher, representing Masonic Club.
Duties, to see to it that each new resident of Newhall is properly
greeted within a week of their arrival and guided into the channel for which their inclinations
qualify them. He or she may be interested in the Womans Club, P.T.A., Ladies Aid, Christian
Endeavor, Catholic Altar Society, Masonic Club or Chamber of Commerce and it will be the duty
of this committee to see that they are introduced to members of whatever society they prefer
and above all that the commitee should put forth every effort to make Newhall truly a pleasant
Finance — R.R. Riedel, Chairman; Bob Anderson, Fred Lamkin,
I.C. Gordon and I.I. Hixenbaugh.
Duties, to have charge of the financing of the Chamber and its activities.
Public Utilities — A.G. Thibaudeau, Chairman; A.C. Swall,
J.S. Pilcher, W.H. McMannus and P.J. Coyle.
Duties, to consider existing utility tariffs and directly consider
and act upon such new developments as may arise.
Legislative — P.C. Miller, Chairman; A.C. Swall, A.G.
Thibaudeau, J.W. Doty and Leo Logan.
Duties, to consider all legislative activities brought to the
attention of the Chamber and to make recommendations thereon.
Three members of each Standing Committee to constitute
a quorum. Committee to report at each Regular meeting and at other times upon call of the
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.