Supervisor Warren M. Dorn
869 Hall of Administration
Los Angeles 12
(Dave Swaim — MA 5-3611, Ext. 65468)
Bulletin new lead, Buffalo story (se page 5).
Since this newsletter went to press the buffalo population of William S. Hart County Park in Newhall has increased one more.
Supervisor Warren M. Dorn received a frantic phone call from Park Superintendent Scott Thomas reporting the birth of the third baby buffalo in the new bison compound this morning.
This brings the herd total now to 11.
A month ago Producer Walt Disney donated seven buffalo cows and one questionable bull to the County park.
"This shows what County care can do in the way of unexpected dividends," Supervisor Dorn said upon receipt of the news.
August 8, 1963
Mr. Clyde A. Hill
Assistant Curator of Mammals
San Diego Zoological Garden
P.O. Box 551
San Diego, California
Dear Mr. Hill:
The bison herd at the William S. Hart Park, Newhall Calif. has a total of fifteen (15) animals. Seven cows and one bull were donated to the County of Los Angeles by Walt Disney in April of 1962. Since that time, four calves were born in the spring of 1962, and three, in the spring of 1963.
Mr. Disney obtained these animals from the Diamond Bar Ranch, Pomona California, about seven years ago. His ranch foreman, Mr. Sam Hurt, was unable to furnish the information requested as to their origin.
As to the other animals exhibited at William S. Hart Park, we have limited our display to farm animals and barnyard fowl.
If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call on us.
Very truly yours,
N.S. Johnson, Director
To Jim Child From Lloyd P. Hiatt Date May 25, 1966
Subject Buffalo
Would like to recommend that the original donation of 7 heifer and their four new born calves, and 1 Bull (Clyde), that were donated by Mr. Walt Disney, remain at the Hart Ranch.
This gives an added attraction as well as prestige and recognition to our Parks and Recreation Dept. We have children as well as adults that drive several hundred miles, and from many States, who come just to see the Buffalo calf as well as the grown ones.
I would like to further recommend we save (2) two of the better grown heifers to keep our herd replenished for the future. The bull is now 7 and the original heifers are between 13-15. The average age for Buffalo is 18 to 20, however for reproduction ends about 15. At present we cannot expect many of our Cow's [sic] to remain with us many more years. At this point it is necessary that we select the best heifers as we go along, to be able to replace our older cow's. This would put our herd at about 14 Buffalo, which we could handle very nicely.
Also, received a copy of a letter from Dr. Young at Griffith Park, to Mr. Norman S. Johnson, asking that three (3) of our Buffalo be donated to the new Zoo. This would be an ideal place to have them on view to the public.
William S. Hart Park
[May] 25, 1966
To: Jim Child
From: Lloyd P. Hiatt
Subject: Buffalo