The Tres Pinos Horror.
Southern Californian (newspaper),
Bakersfield, Kern Co., Cal.
Thursday, September 4, 1873.
The Tres Pinos Horror.
Last week a band of Mexicans, numbering eight, led by one Tiburcio Vasquez, a notorious character, perpetrated one of the most appalling and atrocious crimes which it has ever fallen to our lot to record. Tres Pinos is a little place in the southern part of Monterey county, about twelve miles from Hollister. There are a store and a hotel and some small dwellings. The diabolical scoundrells appeared at the place in the broad day, a portion of them went into the store, and, after engaging the attention of the clerk, drew their weapons and demanded money and other effects. They proceeded at once to disarm and bind hand and foot the parties in charge of the store, took over $500 in money, with as much more in notes and securities, and dressed themselves in new suits of clothes. While this was going on, the other portion of the gang went to the hotel, and their demands not being complied with, they shot and killed Mr. Davisson and two other men. and then ransacked the premises. They then departed, some going one way and some another. Sheriff Wasson of Monterey, and Sheriff Adams, of Santa Clara, each with a posse, went in pursuit as soon as the terrible deed became known. Some of the gang struck off up the Salinas and into this valley, and are supposed to have passed through this valley about fifteen miles from here, a few days ago. Joe Short, and some others, from this town set out in pursuit of the murderers on Tuesday last, and this morning we learn that Sheriff Adams is at Fort Tejon taking a little rest before he resumes the search. There are, in all, about $6,000 reward offered for their apprehension. We hope soon to learn of their capture.
Newspaper images: 9600 dpi jpeg of 300 dpi jpg of original newspaper from the collection of Alan Pollack