Vasquez seems determined to excel even the dare-devil exploits of the famous brigand chief Joaqin Muriatta [sic]. After having been hunted for months like a wild beast from lair to lair — the banditti under his command either killed, captured or dispersed — and successfully eluding the most vigilant and indefatigable pursuit to which an outlaw was ever subjected in this State, has suddenly placed himself again at the head of a band of Mexican cut-throats and ex-State Prison convicts, and has entered upon another campaign of pillage and murder. On Friday evening last between twenty and thirty armed Mexicans and white men entered Kingston, Tulare county, tied all the store-keepers, from whom they took the safe keys and then robbed the safes. They robbed everybody in town they could lay their hands on, and left the place about 9 o'clock P.M. Vasquez was recognized as the leader. Early next morning a teamster on the Tulare road was robbed of $100. Armed posses from Visalia and Kingston are in pursuit. Tuesday evening a dispatch was received here stating that Vasquez and his people were crossing White River, forty miles from this place. This created somewhat of a sensation, and our citizens immediately proceeded to place themselves on a war footing, and evinced a determination, if the foe should put in an appearance, to "welcome them with bloody hands to hospitable graves." At present writing, however, there are no indications of Vasquez. The natural avenue of escape for these marauders is through the west side of this valley into the mountain fastnesses south of here, or out into the Mohave Desert and on to Arizona or New Mexico; and if they are hotly pressed they will probably scatter the best they can. We do not think, however, that they will honor us with a visit.
Newspaper images: 9600 dpi jpeg of 300 dpi jpg of original newspaper from the collection of Alan Pollack.